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Different strokes for different folks



I thought of this statement last night in chat, and someone liked it, so there it is. It is so true that there are so many stories and strokes we hear about on this board and all around us.


We had some excitement in our neighborhood as the next door neighbor, who teaches German, won the Jeopardy teacher's tournament. He won a smacking $100,000. The NBC affiliate, channel 5 was in their driveway taping the show and the good news. Good for him!!


Our granddaughter, Rachel, had her 5th birthday and a party this past weekend. We went to the adult party and they later had a party at her gym where she tumbles around. We only went to the adult lunch. Rachel has many grandparents due to second marriages. She opened one present and said "Mimi, this is too big for me, I have to wait until I get older". Out of the mouth of babes! It was a scooter but a small one. The next day, the kids came over and Larry's son grilled. He does it well so always gets the job. The girls brought their scooters and Rachel was happy to just wear her protective gear running around like that was all she needed. I tried Emily's scooter but didn't stay on it long. lol The weather has been mild and good for getting out.


Larry had another test Tuesday - the Cortisone Infusion Test. They called last night already and said it was normal. Every blood test seems to be normal which is good. Today he had the dopplar x-ray on his carotid artery. We will get the results later. We went to the rehab center for his workout earlier. The wind was very blustery later and I picked him up at the door this afternoon. He has lost so much weight - hard to stay upright in this wind! Two more Dr. appts. and then we are done for a while. I feel at a standstill as he still cannot get use to the CPap, appetite no better, and arm/hand not improving. I wish something would change!


The tornados are back in Missouri and our neighbor, Illinois, had a bad one with fatalities. The Branson area received some major damage as well. This is a big tourist attraction area that Larry and I use to visit. We were lucky as the storm passed us last night and went southeast.


I pray for all those in the hospital and having major difficulties. I am on a prayer chain for our church and pray for those on here as well.




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Well, I thank you for one Julie and likewise I will be praying for Larry and you and those folks hurt by the tornados in Branson, MO! It's on our news now on ABC station!


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Julie, I can understand Larry's struggles with the CPAP having just given up on one! If you really have difficulties from not breathing they really do help. I have so many members of my family who rave about them. For me, I have on-again off-again mild apnea so I didn't get that great whoosh of energy that my family members got. I only dealt with the discomforts of CPAP. As so many people advised me I tried mask after mask until I found one that truely fit. In my case though the air coming out of the vent holes creates air currents that dry out my eyes creating new problems. I would encourage you to try all sorts of mask styles and see what works best for Larry. My mother found that she did best with a full nose and mouth mask even though she thought she only needed the nose pillow. That would have been my next step too because the air ports are lower. Get a copy of the sleep report and read it yourself. I learned that my primary sleep problem had nothing to do with apnea and it would have never been addressed if I had not asked for and read the whole report.


My husband lost a LOT of weight during the first couple of years post-stroke. I guess it stabilized about the third year but then his weight has been slowly going up the last two years. (It has been 7 years) The positive in the weight loss is that it is so much easier to lift and transfer! It is easy to hand high calorie junk to build weight but there are healthier ways. Boost is OK if he will drink it but it is full of sugar as well. I found looking for healthy protien helped.


Then there is the hand/arm thing. Dick's was useless for a little over two years. After being repeatedly told it would never get better it did but it took a long time. It still does not work like new but he can use it to assist. So don't ever give up!


Just my two cents, Ruth

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Julie: I read an interesting article this week, along Ruth's line. Protein overload for breakfast. Apparently it increases appetite for later in the day. Won't do much initially for weight gain. Look up Protein on the Net and see if you can't build a nice breakfast for Larry with stuff-like eggs-that he will eat. There are some nuts and legumes-no fat-that might crunch up a yogurt that could help.


I certainly understand the feeling of "standing still". I spent most of a year in limbo with Bruce's recovery. Then we were back on the road again. It is so hard not to get discouraged. Think you are doing the right thing tho-taking some of the pressure off for now. Concentrate on home, family and some fun stuff. We got through all the important appointments, no new developments and I just accepted what he was willing to do and what he did not want to do.


Now we are back in full swing again and I have to step up. Funny how we fret over the things not working, get lulled into a nice, comfortable daily routine and then have to shift into high gear again. Bruce needs another new leg brace and I know this is just because I let him slide on wearing the AFO every day.


I was sorry to miss chat last night. Bruce's friends came to have dinner with him and it gave me extra time at work.


Get through your appointments then just take a break. Spring is coming and you may find a difference when we get through this weird winter we are having. I was listening to the weather last night, mainly to plan for today, when I saw the tornadoes. So thankful you and Larry were spared. Good weekend. Debbie

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