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Lazy Day/Jammin' Jamie



Or as Jammin' as I get to be these days! But it's a beautiful,lazy Sunday. Neighbors are outside with their children and generally puttering around. I'm finding my thrill cleaning my room, doing laundry, making lasagna and I have to fit in my Dr. mandated walk.


Doesn't sound much like a party but since I can now it's a hoot--at least in my mind. Just cleaning my room in the past consisted of grabbing a trash bag, walking to my room, looking around to assess where to start--and lying down because that's what my heart demanded. Get up, try again, repeat as needed. Obviously I wasn't making a dent in my to-do list!

Though my heart is fixed (so declared by Doc the Ripper--a story for another time) a year and a half of imitating a slug has reduced my stamina to pretty near zero. BUT, my heart will take it and I now have to build up my stamina again.




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Sounds like a fine day to me! I'm most content when my surroundings are in order and being able to physically do it, is a pleasure in and of itself these days.

What kinda lasagna?

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just traditional Lasagna. I can do the white, and others but for my own purposes I'm just a traditional kind of girl.

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start building your stamina, slowly start increasing your time increase your endurance. I know more I do around the house better I feel about me.



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