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Boy Oh Boy



I am so sorry I missed Chat tonight. Two weeks in a row and I do so miss everyone. I had messaged Julie yesterday as to what was going on today. Last week, it was a medical issue, this week Bruce's friends from work came for dinner. They spell me off for work, but like to chat with just me when I get home.


Tonight Mr. Bruce was still up and stayed up until they left!


Crazy week. Cathy's children are in camp and she needed to re-arrange her schedule to accomodate that. Cathy truly needs the extra income and last two weeks, I cancelled one night because Mary Beth was here and then one night because her son was sick. When the girls called and said they were coming, I first thought of Cathy - again a short night. But she had called this morning, explaining the camp thing and was able to come this morning-afternoon for her hours. I was able to go back to work for two hours with Debi and Carole here.


So on to business: Monday was my Ortho follow up. I had to reschedule from last week and had to bring Bruce with me. There were severe thunderstorms and we were so lucky to get down that ramp, to the Doctor, and spent enough time there for another break in the weather.


I started the new medications for the Osteopenia but we also discovered a fracture in my Ilia-sacral fissure. This is not new. The localized pain is at least five weeks old, which means I am healing as best I can. Pain meds are out. I can not be zonked for Bruce or for work. Good news is walking relieves the pain. So plan is to bang the bone meds-both oral and injection and then bone scan in six months.


Bruce had another session with OT this morning. Some new exercises. And Rob is really good - they are all on Bruce.


Bruce and I are trying to deal with this the best we can. He does not understand exactly what this means, but when I say you have to try this yourself, gets it. Again we missed our window on Monday with the Estim bike and I have no idea how I will get through tomorrow on it. We shall see. He understands that I expect him to be able to hold his right knee in position himself, but understanding and doing are different concepts.


He is not dealing well with the new caregivers. Is regressing-incontinent most of the day, eating with his fingers again, treating me like paid help. We talk and this morning he was really right on, but then the whole week's routine got changed. And again, by Saturday he will be talking to himself.


My one ace in the hole was the girls coming tonight for dinner. That cognitive stimulation is always a help! With Sue's advice I discussed these issues with all the caregivers and Bruce. Cathy already knows, but Pema and Erma did not even think of the fork issue. Again a learning process and both of them insisted he use the fork, toilet before bedtime and change into night clothes.


Bruce misses me and I understand that, but I am not the paid help. You say please and thank you. Doctor told him on Monday I had to get the Rx, go home, take it and rest. 10 minutes later in the car, he says we need to go for a ride and get Iced Coffee. So while he remembers what coupons he cut last week, he choses to ignore what I need in preference to what he wants. And please don't tell me it is stroke. If he can remember something as trivial as a coupon, he heard what the Doctor said and chose to ignore it.


I know accepting that your main caregiver is out of action for a bit is scary. I am scared too. But ignoring it does not make it go away. So tough week coming up. Caregivers have my back. Cathy said this afternoon "leave the mess, I will take care of it." And I can do that and hopefully work on Bruce and I. Debbie


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wow could have written the last part of your log--- dan is the same way - his needs always come first. and sometimes i just don't think it is just the stroke.. its kinda like they dont think whatever you or i are going through is as big as what they are going through.... but who knows------ iced coffee - have you tried the mc donalds sugar fee vanilla iced coffee.. i am very hyperglycemic so i have to watch my sugar intake and these i can have-- if you havent tried them they are great..a little better for bruces waistline as well..

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you can do it, and one more thing I feel Bruce forgetting your needs are typical guy thing with or without stroke lol. I used to beso unhappy about that in my hubby prestroke, post stroke realised in bigger scheme of things it does not matter as long as he does dishes & stands by his family lol



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I have missed you in chat. I haven't been there the last two weeks. Change in work schedule and then Wm needed attention last week.


Change in caregivers will upset the routine. But, given time it will come about. I do hope that the e-stim bike gets back on track.


With time , I am sure that the leg will hold itself into position.

At the beginning on the manual pedals I had to hold the knee in and strap the foot on the pedal. Now, He just does it all by himself. Amazing.


Well, the pool has felt wonderful in the sweltering heat that we have been having here.


You must take care of yourself. Heal and rest when you can. Just explain to Bruce that your needs need to be met. This is very important.


See you next week in chat.



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