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A dinner out



Different week. One of our caregivers was called away for a family emergency. I was able to replace her, but ended up working days instead of my 4 pm to 8 pm.


Work is insane. I am involved, not by choice, in two projects that are making me crazy. So I absolutely had to figure out how to put in at least my 22 hours. Carl came one night and spelled me off for a few more hours. And I am not used to working in an office with 5 other people. Most of the staff leaves by 4 pm and one at 5 pm. Made me realize how quiet my life is now. The constant assault on my senses - music, chatter, speakers, interruptions, meetings. I looked back on my early posts and blogs about the TV being on volume 90 and I am right back there.


My biggest concern, of course, was Bruce. He has spent the last month adjusting to the new caregivers and now, a whole new routine here. I am meticulous about keeping the calendars up to date, but he is still having difficulty, plus he is not getting out every day. So I thought a treat was in order.


Last night we went out to dinner with friends. Last time we did this was the end of April. We go to a small diner, get the Early Bird and our friends accomodate that Bruce likes to go early. Bruce and I will do an occasional late breakfast-early lunch on days when we are out and I can't deal with lunch, the house and getting ready for work. But it is not often.


He was funny in that he told Cathy he had to "nap" early because we were going out and then said to me, lie down for an hour and then you can help me with the shower. He even picked out his own clothes! I keep dress clothes separate so they are always clean and pressed.


I am working on self-esteem. Reminding Bruce how important his grooming was to him and I am willing to help him continue that. Is it working? Have no clue. But I do know the days of no shaving, no showers are over. And since I was home at bedtime all week, insisted on a wash up and clean night clothes. I know he is tired at night, but I keep reminding that it takes 5 minutes and he will feel better and sleep better. He has been more open to toiletting with the caregivers this week as well, but is still only getting half way through the morning dressing. But he is doing his own am wash up and that is new this week.


Tomorrow is appointment with Neuro and updating the disability insurance paperwork, which this doc always balks at and I always insist he do - why don't they just give up and get it done? Bruce will also have weigh in. Its been three months, so we shall see if he has lost any weight. Then Kira has her check up and blood tests for her new Thyroid medication. Cathy is coming early to do lunch and take over and then Carl again will spell her off at 5 pm so I can do a few extra hours. Friday I will be doing 6 to 7 hours and hope to be able to finish up. Needless to say, things are backing up here, but good news is Bruce will get out every day next week, like we are used to doing. All these new caregivers have my home immaculate, laundry done, so that has been a huge help.


I don't know how anyone does this and works full time and I have the best back-ups available. I am sure adjustments are made and it is a matter of routine. Of course, there are things that I would have to give up, be less insistent about and if you have had to do it from day one, certain "habits" would have been given up at the onset.


Weather has been perfect. Upper 80s, dry and then upper 60s overnight, so AC can go off and windows opened. Funny we have to have the AC of course, but that closed up feeling can be overwhelming. Good weekend to all. Debbie


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I'm glad you got to go out for dinner. I took Bob to Walmart where there was a roll in hair cutting place on one end and a Subway on ther other. It was his only time to eat out since the Feb stroke. It is nice to have a little normal feeling. Sounds like Bruce got into the idea :)

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i am so glad you have the great feeling of knowing bruce is well taken care of -- so much stress off you .. just laundry and clean house is so worth it... good for you

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Debbie, so happy you are getting things under control. The housekeeking help alone is big.


You and Bruce enjoy your time out. I had to get Larry a new razor also and found one that is easier for me to clean! We had a gift certificate so that was good. Bruce is on the ball with picking out his own clothes to go out. He really does enjoy those outings!


Have fun.



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Bruce is doing so well. I can see that he loves to get out. It is fun for him. but, I know that it is alot of work for you.


Today, Wm did not want to go to the pool and i decided not to fight. I said, OK, just stay home. I went by myself.


Tell Bruce that doing his own wash up is great. William can shave and brush his teeth. But that is about all that he does for himself.


have a good weekend.


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