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Could it have been a seizure?



11pm laying in bed Mike gets up to go to bathroom, next thing I here is the powerchair bumping the door frame. I get up to check on him and he is incoherint and can't speak to me. I get the chair moved so I can get through the doorway and he is soaking wet from head to toe with sweat and it looks kinda like he is choking on something. He can't speak to me at this point so I lift his head get in his face and yell can you hear me? His head bobbles very loosely and finally he says he is sick so I get him the trash can and he throws up. Now on to the bathroom while I am dialing 911 and he looks white as a ghost. Gets on commode and starts to come to himself and can now talk to me coherintly and says his chest hurts! Get to hospital in about 30 from the beggining of all of this, we live only about 5 miles from hospital thank God, and they seem to think it might be his heart. Nothing on ekg to show this and chest xray ok so don't know why they think its his heart. Doc says don't think its another stroke cause the smptoms would not have gone away by themselve. They decide his potassium is low but not the cause of the symptoms he is having so they want to keep him for observation. He refuses to stay and for some reason I understand this because the doctor says " I want to start him on coumidin." Lisa his daughter " He is already taking 7.5mg of coumidin how much more does he need?" Doc "Oh I was not aware of this" while turning to look at the nurse whom had just prior to this been given all his medications and had written them down. Thats why I did not fuss too much about him coming home. I guess they were just a bit off in the ER last night and Mike was not about to stay there if they couldn't even get the meds right. I do wish he would have stayed so they could have run some more tests but since he didn't nothing I can do about it. So my question still remains, could it have been a seizure or was it probably a mini-stroke? Help me out here everyone, got to get a handle on this thing before it kills him which is what he says is gonna happen. Thanks for anything you can do to help me out. Until later.


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Ray has "events" which the nurses sometimes say are TIAs and sometimes seizures, I think they are seizures. With the seizures sometimes he is semi-conscious, pale and sweaty, like the ones he had yesterday, sometimes mute and rigid, and sometimes writhes around.


Ray is on Epilim for seizures, I think you have it as Depakote. He has a high dose as even with it the seizures still continue but at less frequent intervals. I think there is a test for seizures where they look at brain waves, Ray's were diagnosed when he had some in the hospital so don't know what tests they used.


Ray can also have hypos from high sugar, and shaky episodes ( can't sit upright etc) with Urinary Tract infections so if in doubt I ask for that to be tested for also.


To get any kind of diagnosis is costly in terms of time and money but is worth it if it will give you peace of mind.



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sounds like a seizure -- but also like a pulmanary embolisim ( I am not a medical pro ) ethyl will come on over i'm sure when she see's this.. the fact he threw up does make it more embolisim like..but given the fact he is on coumadin and hopefully they checked his INR and the chest x ray was clear is good...a seizure is kida a "personalized "thing no two peoples are exactley alike... and his chest might have hurt because you can contract so hard during a seizure you can break ribs ( dan has dislocated his)---but back to the embolisim theory the sweating is allso consistant with both--- get him to his primary and talk to him--- get the embolisim ruled out and talke about a seizure med--- a good doc should be able to take some time and get this sorted out..nancyl ( also the "doom" feeling hubby had leans towards embolisim) but it could be a combination of things---- low blood sugar will make you feel sick ,cause you to throw up even, and make you incoherant can easily mimic a seizure or be in conjunction to a seizure ... these are my thoughts... pne other word about post stroke seizures a early onset after stroke seizure is much better than a late onset---- early one - you might never see one again but a late one ( say 6 mths post stroke) usually means thay are gonna be a permanent thing.... thats what i got for thoughts --------nancyl

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Cat, I'm not helpful with medical advice but you have been given some insite by the posts above. I would get him to his doctor, tell him about the Dr. overlooking his chart, etc. He may send him to the ER again but maybe you will get a Dr. who is a better pro. At least they will have all his records. Better to be safe. My prayers are with you.



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Thanks all. Finally got a call from his neuro office and they have him scheduled for MRI on thursday. Told him today that we have to find out what is causing this because right now we have high hope for a pretty good recovery from his stroke but if we let things go untreated he could be wheelchair or bed bound for the rest of his life. I think he sees that now and wishes he would have stayed at hospital for further tests. I think crying myself to sleep on his chest made him stop and think about it a little harder too, or at least I would like to think it did. You all are in my prayers thanks again as we struggle together yet another day.

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Cat: good news on getting in touch with the Neuro. Yes, he probably should have stayed overnight at the hospital, but what is done is done. Just keep an eye on him next few days, let him rest. Not a lot of activity and hydrate. Any change you call 911, get him back to that ER and demand a Neuro be called in immediately! Any heart issues can be tested along with the brain, but he is a stroke victim and that is of equal importance to the heart as long as he is breathing.


Please let us know. You too go easy, lots of time outs and rest as best you can. Debbie

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dans petitemal seizures --- he blinks alot and then twitches-- seems vacant and slow the grand mal looks like a stroke for sure but to be honest the stroke was not as "violent" and dan just contracts and contracts and does not breath- you know the grandmal is over when he breathes again.... gray and blue is his color..nancyl

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