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not a nice post by me- sorry



well after having so many "tough" times with Dan - i decided it was time to look into a condo--- completley handicap assessible with a sticker tag of 180,000. grand-- here in ND that huge.... anyhow i didnt get the place and i actually bid 500.00 higher than asking.. but i was not a cash sale...... so no go for me..... the other people bid a little lower with cash --- so the boom in ND as predicted is hitting home... im gonna sound very pregidous here but i have only seen the underbelly of out of towners working at the jail...... people coming in from other states looking for work -- i get it and welcome.. but people here to mooch off of my and my forefathers hard work get the HE-L out... i hope when the sub zero temps come ( ND fooled you last year) you dont come crying i had no idea how cold 50 degrees below zero could be... we have a good economy up here because we made it that way and now these out of towners are coming and taking away our standard of living ... im a little angry and ranting a bit sorry... but this is how economys get broken. the people buying the condo are speculaters anticipating a housing crisis here in central ND- so the buyer isent even gonna live there--- just gonna flip it when the time is right.... I know - I know dig deep find some niceness ( for me anyhow) but i had to let the poison out and this is my dumping ground -- sorry.... I finally make a decision and get stepped on by an out of towner...... but at the same time i do live by the motto what ever will be will be........ so i will step back and see what my next step should be......


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I know you are devastated to have lost out on what looked like it was the thing for you. The only way I can get over that kind of thing is to imagine that there was a problem with it that I wouldn't find out till I was stuck. Then I manage to feel better, knowing I 'escaped' it. Hope you find something better and cheaper and it makes this disappointment fade away into the sunset. (((HUGS)))

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I tried to buy a house many years ago and was beaten out by someone that bid lower with cash. It is very frustrating but it worked out for the best. If I had bought that house I would be stuck in a dead end marriage with a worthless good for nothing man instead of being here with Mike. Believe me when I say when one door closes it is for the best! The way realistate is these days that person will probably be stuck with a place they can't give away or have to resale it at a loss cause of unforseen problems. Keep your chin up and keep looking! I agree its not right that out of towners come in to your hometown and do you this way, there should be a law against it. But you will overcome I know you will! Got you in my prayers!



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Nancy: unfortunately the upper Western tier are where the jobs are right now and yes, he is probably spectulating. Recent news broadcast on people flocking to MN where there are great job opportunities and after spending the first winter, had no clue. Thing is, for a good income they will figure out how to get through the harsh weather.


I am sorry about the Condo. It would have made it much easier on you. But keep on the lookout. Other oportunities may offer themselves. Good weekend. Debbie

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Nancy :


I am firm believer in when God closes one door he will open up another better door for us, when we were looking for house near my mom's it was booming market & every house we bid on it & there will be bidding war on it, finally we gave up & when we finally made the deal its best house we got, its walking distance from moms & love all the features in the house, so moral of the stpry have a faith & believe whatever is happening is in your best interest.



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We all have moments like that when we think something seems right for us then it turns out not to be, so disappointing I know. But I’m sure the right house will come along and it will be more than you expected so you will look back and say I’m glad I didn’t get that other house. And believe me that saying goes for just about everything.



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Nancy, I am so sorry it didn't work out for you. Unfortunately they probably saw it as a good business opportunity to make some money. Seems like that is what it is all about for some people.....$$$. They don't even realize how wrong it is to be that way. Money dont buy happiness and I am a firm believer in karma...what goes around comes around. You will probably come across something even better and more affordable in the near future and then you will realize why things happened this way. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.



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Nancy, sorry as well that this ideal solution eluded you. Someone once said to me, "the path will open." I pray that is the case for all of us. It's just very dark right at the moment.

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