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The Spoon Story



We have been discussing recently all the difficulties we have encountered as caregivers, when our person has been in a facility. Most of us acknowledge that it revolves around the Feds and the recent cut backs - since 2010. In 2011, the Feds said "hey wait, baby, we gave them too much money!" And have spent the last year revising the numbers. We are now on revision number three. Is it really unrealistic to understand why the SNFs have no clue as to what their projected budgets will be?


So back in the dark ages - LOL, just before I had to go out on personal leave to tend to Bruce, our facility was in State Inspection. At that time, all "feeds" were brought to the dining room. We had two CNAs on duty to help that. Not so now. One of the CNAs in the dining room, during inspection, came to me and said "Debbie, I am the only one." I am Charge Nurse, so off I go. CNA points me to a long termer who is a "feed."


I am one of the few Nurses who was never a CNA before I was a nurse, but heck, I can get through this. I do know the rules. Tray is there, Puree - yes it is. Inspector, who thinks this is funny, decides to sit down and watch me. I unwrap the utensils and I have soup spoon, knife and fork. No teaspoon. Now regulations state that I must feed - 1/2 full - with a teaspoon. I don't have one. I can hold the meal until I get one, but then the meal is cold - also a citation. So off I go with the soup spoon, after callling for the teaspoon. Patient is in la-la land. She has no clue, so it is all on me.


Teaspoon finally arrived, but Inspector said to me "you are really something!" I think that was the day I really knew I was meant to do this.


Every year the State focusses on the "Problem du jour". We had a patient who set a SNF on fire - several deaths - because she lit a cigarette and fell asleep. Last year we had four choking deaths in the State. Pain and continence are always an issue. And also dentition. How many teeth, can they function with that?


It is impossible to nurse, effectively at this level. I know they are medicated for whatever reason that is necessary. Yes, their meals are delivered on time - are they correct? Did they get to their therapies today? Who is going to Recreation? Are they peeing, did they have their BM? Are they medicated for pain? How does their incision look? Labs - in normal range. Who has a temp? And one step beyond all this, was the proper spoon used? Debbie


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I don't use a teaspoon either and neither do the nurses aides who feed the patient where Ray is. I am sure they all go at a speed the patient can manage though, that is what dictates how much they eat. I also use a soup spoon to feed Ray his drink as he is on moderately thickened now and they don't pour.


Debbie, if you do your best most people will appreciate the effort save those foolish few who insist on doing things "by the book".



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You see the effects of all of those budget cuts. who suffers? the patients. it is too sad.


Yes, but that is your calling. You have the empathy necessary to help everybody that doesn't have their private advocates there with them.


In my job, I am able to give advice from my experiences. it is great to be able to help others. We know how lost they are and scared. It is good to give comfort.


Thank God for nurses like you.


angels in disguise.



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Good story Debbie and too bad there aren't more nurses and techs like you. Larry's roommate in the acute rehab center had aphasia and also eating problems. He had to wear the mitts as he had the nose peg or whatever they call it. His adult children worked and came in the evening but I kept watch on him. He was a sweet man and to this day can only say a couple of words. They would push him in line in the cafeteria and many times I would help push him. I kept an eye on him while he tried to eat. He refused the techs to help him eat. Poor thing. I reported what I saw to his daughter. God help those with no advocates to see they are taken care of.


God bless you for all you do.



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and that is the simple fact of it--- we as a society do not value our eldery and disabled and sick... and that is to bad because that is the true judgement of the society we live in -- how we value the "lesser of us" -- few people are taught kindness and empathy. and if you do not have them... what are you certainly not human- because those qualities are the things that set us apart from animals... ohhh deep thoughts on Debbies - hi-jacked ( i hyjacked for a minute) blog..nancyl

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