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Living in Charlotte



Well I had wrote a very long entry the other day, with subheadings, bold, caps, the works, but it disappeared so I will just give a recap and additional updates


First of all, I quit the internship. It was just too much on me. I was tired of feeling like a bad worker. The lawyer didn't like the way I talked and interacted with clients plus he made it clear that I did not work fast enough so I quit. I consulted with a school counselor first and she advised me that the best thing to do would be to quit. I feel much better now that I did. I was also having transportation problems. The bus would get me there late sometimes and pick me up late. I worked at least 20 hours a week (unpaid) but the lawyer still was not satisfied.

This has me wondering if this is the field I want to be in. Classes are boring and I don't feel like this is my passion. My bad experience with the internship plus a lack of interest in school has me really trying to decide if I want to stick with this.

What I really want to do is write a book and build a website for people with disabilities (preferably teens). I love blogging so I want to do that too. My new guyfriend has motivated me to become an "internet entrepreneur" making money from home so this is an idea I really want to try out. As long as I can make a difference in the lives of people with disabilities, I am sure I will love it. I will keep you guys posted on my progress.


As I said before, I have been having transportation problems. One day the bus dropped me off at the store and was going to leave me stranded there until at least 9:30 at night. My phone was dead and I was by myself but luckily I met a security guard who knew one of the employees who worked in the shopping center and she gave me a ride home. I hate riding the bus now. I love going places and seeing the city. I just hate the long wait. I had to wait an hour for another bus to come pick me up after getting dropped off to pick up my medication which only took all of 3 minutes. If I become an internet entrepreneur or writer or both, I won't have to worry about taking the bus or driving. I will finally be able to work from home doing what I love!


I found out I have been approved for SSI so thank God I will have money to pay my bills. I was hoping to get some assistance from Vocational Rehabilitation but apparently they only help with job placement and since I don't want to work right now, I guess i don't qualify for their assistance.


I found my wrist support! It was under my rug which my dad had moved the last time he was here. I cant wait to start wearing it again. Speaking of my hand, I gave bioness another call. My prescription was still good from last year so the rep submitted it to my insurance. I am praying I get it this time! I am glad to know I still have options though. She said I can rent it or we can appeal or get my hand therapist to show that the e-stim worked for me. There are so many options that I did not even know about last year but I am still believing that they will just approve it and I wont have to go through the extra stuff.

Well I can't really remember what else I said in my initial entry so I guess thats all folks. Thanks for reading.


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Hi Cagebird, if you was not happy good for you. Sorry about the transporation, maybe you can look in to this problem when you start your internet website. I do not drive after my stroke and I miss not going out to the library or the mall. I miss mixing with people. Good luck to you and keep us posted.

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I understand the anguish of waiting for transportation. It is irritating. I hate to hear that you had such a bad internship. The guy that was your boss sounds like a jerk. He did not understand what you have been thru. Empathy is not part of his makeup.


Working from home sounds like a great idea. I do hope that you get it going.


Good luck.



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I hope you can do some or all of what you got in mind just take one day at a time and the good will come to the top that way you are a happy camper!! Right now your mind is racing full speed about the things you can do!!

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We live in PA and Don (my husband) is with the VR and they paid for his bioness that he uses for his leg. Get with your contact person at the Vocational Rehabilitationand get them to start the paperwork. It takes a few month but it's worth the wait. Good Luck Sally

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