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Praying for each other



Today Dan is having surgery to get a peg tube put in. Lets all take a moment this morning to say a prayer for him and Nancy! They go through so much and she is such a wonderful caregiver! Let's all pray that this will help Dan with his nutrition problem and therefore will help Nancy in her daily struggles as a cargiver to ease her worries of the malnutrition problem. Stroke life isn't easy as we all know but these added worries are just a bit much sometimes. God be with them both and blessings poured down upon them.


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You know we have a prayer list in our church Sunday Bulletin to write in the names of people you want prayer for so I got the empty page made copies on my printer!! I can add names anytime but I don't ever line them out!


When I read here that person has recovered or doing much better I put a Star by that name to indicate God has answered prayers for that person on my list!!


That's my way to pray for our members here, neighbors, relatives and even people I meet while out in public I know but haven't seen for a long time that was my friends before my stroke!! Come to find out some of them or their kin folks has suffered a stroke so we pray!!


Dan & Nancy are on my list and many other survivors and care givers here and it's just my way of wanting all of them to have success in life and asking God to bless them in His own special way!!


I call myself a prayer warrior and I speak with God nights, mornings and give Him thanks for me seeing the light of day in the early mornings!!!


Surprisingly, many women will ask me what church I attend and if I'm a minister??? I smile and say no ma'am He hasn't called me yet!!!!

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Thank you sooo much you guys------ dan did pretty good but he is a hurting man right now.. the surgery did cause nueropathy to blow up 2 shots of morphine didnt even touch it... had to break out the diulodid ( spelling??) once we got him nice and warm and all those meds in him -- he finally went out --- the doc said it went well and expects no issues - in the case of a peg tube it is a simle procedure but if it goes wrong it goes very, very wrong... so far so good ... and "aww schucks"-- guys thanks!! love you all my stroke famly -- much much better than the nonexistant family of Dan-- but they were that way prestroke sooo i dont know why i am disapointed ( they havent said a prayer for us- not even a "like" on facebook).... heartfelt thanks--------Nancyl

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Nancy, I am so glad to hear all went well! I have had you both in my thoughts and prayers all day! I have become so close to a lot of people on here, you are my family!


Fred thats great! Glad to know you are such a strong servant. and you are here for us!


God Bless each and everyone here and all over the world that are dealing with this monster called "STROKE"!

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