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pnuemonia-- i think



well i'm not sure about the spelling of it nor do i care a whole lot about the spelling.... dan is sick with what i believe is aspiration pnuemonia- he was eating at the time of his last seizure and it seems he did aspirate into his lungs... i worried about that... or he just a has a plain out bad cold.. i dont know cause getting into a Doc is near impossible -- especially one we actually know.. so ironically the ER doc knows him well so i will wait till tonight and take him in then... stupid and makes for a very bad patient but i do want to make sure the person who sees dan is someone who actually knows us... for todays task at hand shower he hasent showered since before surgery and although i have washed him up today i am hoping to get him showered and that will be about it.... it is always something....here we go again !! nancyl


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Guest lwisman




It sounds like you need help from a therapist that specializes in swallowing problems. I know when I had swallowing problems, the therapist was the one who could actually help me with ways to improve swallowing. Aspiration is a real problem. Your doctor may not be trained to know how to deal with it. You might ask for a referral.

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I'm thinking he doesn't usually have any issues with swallowing, but no one can control what happens if you are eating and have a seizure. Nancy, I'm guessing you already called and made sure that doctor is not on vacation or something crazy and will surely be there tonight.


I don't know if a shower with pneumonia sounds like a good idea (chills). If you have washed the rest of him, but maybe it is just his hair, I'll tell you how I do Bob's hair. He has particular greasy hair and I get a wash cloth of nice warm-hot water, a little wet and put it ontop his head. Then put watered down shampoo in SMALL amounts onto his head and work in one at a time. When I feel I've scrubbed enough, I use 2 kleenex in each hand and begin to take it out. Usually do that twice. Then use the hot wet cloth again for a final removal of any remaining soap. I used to just keep with the wash cloth, but it went on forever. Removing most with the dry kleenex really made it easier and he liked it better, as not as much water. Then I blow dry it and brush it as I dry, so he isn't chilled. Whole thing about 5 minutes.


Keep us posted.

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You know pneumonia seems to have a way to get into the body somehow like maybe it has to Dan! I hope not but his doctors will find out real soon!


Sue thinks that is what happened with Ray and I imagine she will find out soon! Normally from what little I know that is one reason the doctors don't like to operate on older persons for fear of them getting pneumonia!


So I'm wondering if it gets a start from inside like in the lungs or outside like someone posted above about the hair being wet and it happens in the head?? Or even from showers and being hot or too cold right afterwards and doing the shower itself!!


I sure hope you find out if it's pneumonia Dan has or something not too serious and it seems at times the doctors aren't too sure either!!

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If they can't tell by listening to his lungs with a stethescope they will certainly be able to tell with a chest xray. If he isn't running a high fever or having trouble breathing it should be okay to wait till tonight. Do let us know what happens!

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Nancy: it could be coming off the anesthesia from the surgery: remember it numbs everything or as Fred suggests, he catch it in the hospital. Anyway, chest xray is in order. Please let us know. In my prayers, Debbie

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not pnuemonia -- thanks goodness-- we think just a cold.... i guess................. normally i wouldnt even worry so much but like i said with the seizure he did aspirate..... when dan had surgery the surgeon pointed out that dan has very good gag reflex and had a hard time just getting the camera down there .. dan wasent all the way under but in a twilight... but i suppose like all in life it is a combo of everything----- tired, exposure to hosp germs, anesthesia,and the aspiration---- no antibiotics just rest and fluids....nancyl

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Thank God, so happy you don't have pneumonia to deal with!


To those who wondered about wet hair and pneumonia, a person would not catch pneu. just from washing their hair and normally taking care of it. But if they had peumonia already, any thing could give them the chills, since they would already be infected with pneumonia.

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Nancy: any time one has a facility stay, there are the potentials. You saw the change and responded. A chest xray is nothing and ruled out all the bad stuff. So you hunker down; rest, fluids (a little more control now with the GTube), light exercise, fresh air - even if he just sits in front of an open window. Lots of hand cleanser for outings.


One more thing honey, but you know what? He is still post op and all those things are best for that as well. I think you can leave him a bit (that you are comfortable with that) for necessary outings. If not, quick stops and leave him in the car. Even if he just sits outside for a bit, enjoying the fall and the dogs romping. Go easy and please do let us know how things are going. Debbie

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I have always said I just don't like hospitals but times come when we must go there hoping our doctor knows what the best thing is to solve our problem! Nancy I'm glad it's not pneumonia in Dan's case and I hope Dan will get better in due time with you being there with him or he would be lost just like I would without my wife present at home!!!


It's bad enough to survive a stroke and deal with recovery for a long time then to suffer another illness is hard on anybody In most cases we lose one side of our body functions and that's awful hard to handle for me!!

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Nancy, I'm so glad that it wasn't pneumonia. I've been recovering from just a head cold and concerned that it wouldn't turn into bronchitis (which I'm prone to). It sounds like you and Dan have been through quite a lot together.

I'm so grateful for the dedication of my husband toward me. I appreciated your input to my topic last week. I will add you and Dan to my prayers.

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Guest hostwill


I know pneumonia is prevalent if you can't get out of bed and move around My bout with pneumonia lasted two weeks but whatever they put in the I.V. seems to get rid of it pronto. Hope the doctors can figure this out.



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