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stealing a little time



i am up sort early this morning and havent let any of the animals out yet... gotta walk those dogs.... dan gets the biggest kick out of letting them out of the condo he sits right next to the patio door and opens it up and lets them go... which of course is not ok with the city...... but in reality we live right on the border of city limits and we have a pasture a couple hundred feet away from us and a soybean field about 25 feet from us with deer that are routinley out and about teasing the dogs.. so dan ( and even the prestroke dan) just lets them go every so often.... but i have tried to explain the why we cant to him.the dogs are good therapy for dan i have to admit... and our move has definatley been the smartest thing i have done yet.. to bad it has costed a fortune- ( that we dont have) but it is what it is.......... so i am stealing some time for me to type this blog... the cat also gets locked in the garage at night-- fair is fair.... guess who is the noisiest?? the cats meowing ... what a baby -- the garage is heated for crying out loud.. and if she didnt walk around at night meowing she could stay in the house.... dan does seem more at ease with the move than i thought he would pbe... or we do mourn our loss of the farm life for sure but it is a casualty of the stroke.. dan doesent like to go out to the farm to "check things" like i need to every couple days..and to pick up the mail i have not officially moved us as far as our mail is concerned as we have a trip coming up and the passport and us need to get along - so to speak-- so i left it alone- for now... and i havenet sold the place yet the economy here is in such a flux... we will be getting a billion - yes a BILLION dollar plant here along with other plants right here in jamestown... so this has caused a wierd situation where do i or dont i sell right now?? so i am holding firm to my price i have had offers but it will take awhile for jamestown to figure out what end is up in the current market.. i know for any of you who reading this - that this is most likley different from your economy-- but do not send relatives up here to look for work.. untill the housing situation is figured out our housing is very limited and they gotta get some - man camps - set up first and believe me these winters can be brutal.... well i'm gonna eat my last burned tortilla and take the dogs for their walk.. just a update.. oh one thing about me-- i am living less with my heart in my throat all the time-- i have lived with so much fear for so long that it feels good to be normal- well stroke normal..nancyl


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Except --- dan woke up and is sicker than a dog.... hopefully with some more rest he feels better... poor guy- i write a positive blog and it is like i jinx him everytime when i do....

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Nancy: so sorry. I hope he is on the mend. Weather here turned so fast this weekend. I know that doesn't cause illness, but when one has no clue if he is warm or cold, makes it hard to dress him and heat the house. Finally Sunday, I just put him in a sweatshirt and turned the heat to 66.


Its always something honey, you know that. But be pleased you found a little quality time for yourself. Kira had some side effects from her surgery, so I had opened up today in case she had to go to the hospital. All resolved yesterday, so after Bruce was settled in this morning, I took an hour to take care of Debbie-shower, grooming. It is amazing that even that small amount of time can make such a difference dealing with everything else.


Let us know how he is doing. Debbie

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dan has a bacterial bug that is going around -- started him on an antibiotic and will get blood work done tomorrow... the problem is all the coughing he is doing is creating a very sore post surgical site.. i also have to have the tranfussion tomorrow so the ER is getting a twofer--- yipee.. nancyl

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Guest hostwill


Well, if you are going to get sick, I imagine the best place to be is in a hospital.lol


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Nancy: glad they (you - lol) caught it early. Luck tomorrow and just, please take it easy.


Your jinx found me. Had an hour this afternoon and read. That never happens in the afternoon, went downstairs to check the dehumidifier and guess what, it is leaking. Not to mention caregiver did not turn the water off to the washer - another flood. The hits just keep coming. LOL. Take care and go easy. Debbie

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Nancy, you do what you need to do. You do everything in such good heart and I am sure that rubs off on Dan. Hope he is over his cough/cold/virus soon.



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