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Wedding news



Most of you know Bruce and I were planning to be married on June 22, 2009. We picked up our wedding rings on March 22 at 11 am and Bruce stroked that night. Sometime during the next three weeks my dress arrived. I remember Mary Beth calling me to ask me what to do. She hung it in my closet. Yesterday, I opened it for the first time in almost 3 1/2 years.


Bruce and I are to be married on December 8th, 2012. It is time. Cognitively, Bruce is back 99%. He still has trouble finding his words and physically needs a lot more work. But I think I have finally found peace and acceptance in our lives.


We have been together 27 years this December 30. We did POAs and Medical Advocates back in 1986 when we became responsible for Brittany. Both of us went through very difficult divorces and took our relationship slow and easy. When Britt came into the picture, she had to come first. Once she was in high school, I went to Nursing School and Bruce entered his own business. After that my Mom came to live with us in her final months.


So life went on, we set and stuck to our priorities. Obviously the wedding was put on hold, due to the stroke and in the past three years, focus was on stroke recovery and managing a new life, one we never considered. And we have reached a spot where we both know it is time.


So we went back to the original plan. The dress fits perfect. My best friend, who is standing up for me, just finished our invitations tonight and they are perfect. Bruce's Godson will be standing up for him, as originally planned. The Justice of the Peace is a friend of Bruce's. They were in writing class together and continued that after the class was done. If any of you can remember way back, Lynn was the one who picked up all the shoes Bruce had ordered. She reminded me of that tonight. Said she did not want to hear that he did not have shoes to wear - LOL.


Bruce finished up the vows tonight and I sent them to Lynn. He is working now on the menu for the day. It will be a small, intimate reception. Originally we had not planned anything, but things have changed and we have so many who have been so good to us and concerned. It is time to throw a party. Bruce will crash early, everyone knows that, so we are doing an early afternoon and Mary Beth and family will spend the night. Niece Melissa's friend has offered to do the pictures. She has quite an eye and we are so pleased she offered. Other friends are gifting us a wedding cake. I had taken out my parent's cake topper. They have collected dust on a shelf, but today came out, were spiffed up and are off to their new responsibility. Something old!


In the meantime, life goes on. Bruce was discharged from the Vascular Surgeon yesterday. The stent has been working wonderfully for three years and Vascular advises that unless PCP has concern, Bruce no longer has to have ultrasounds every six months. Bruce's PCP of 35+ years retires December 1. We have set up a new PCP closer to home and we picked up Bruce's medical records today. He is going through them. Strange when someone hands you an envelope of "your life." Fall clean up is this week, so I am pulling brush to the curb every day. Weather is perfect: low 50s, sunny and it clears my head. Juggling all this has been a challenge but no different than three years ago and now I have honed the skills - LOL. There are friends here that have assured me that they can get the pix on site.


So for now, that is the news. Soon to be Debbie Sparks. or Ethyl Sparks as Bruce would have it . Debbie


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Congratulations Debbie (soon to be Sparks) Does Bruce have enough coupons for the wedding dinner? lol sorry I just had to. Good luck for all there is to do and for your special day.



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My congratulations Debbie, as you say it is the right time and Bruce now knows what he is doing and that is important. So may JOY< JOY< JOY and much needed HAPPINESS accompany all you're doing in the next few weeks. I look forward to the blogs and updates.



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Debbie, I have a tear in my eye just as I always do at a wedding. Such a big leap, making the ultimate statement in front of your nearest and dearest. It will be a glorious bookend to the last three years for you; time to continue where you left off back then. So happy for you both!


And mc, good one about the coupons!!

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:congrats: debbie. you both are made for each other even stroke could not break you apart, I just wonder what took you so long, I am sure wedding will be most beautiful & meaningful ceremony to all your family & friends, please update pictures here too so that we can share your joy.




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Oh Debbie, I am so happy for you and Bruce. You both deserve to have some joy and happiness. That date is coming up really quickly but it sounds like you have everything planned and under control. I am so glad you are finally gonna be able to wear that wedding dress that has been hanging in your closet for so long. I can't wait to see the pictures. Congratulations!!!!



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OK, we can't make the trip to Connecticut on that weekend but will be thinking of you and Bruce getting hitched after nearly 4 years late!! You know the saying?, Better late than never and it's still love in two hearts that makes ONE in UNITY!


Here is wishing you two the very best in life for ever more! Now I gotta send the wedding gift from us pretty quick, thank God Black Friday starts Thursday in Texas then make a mad dash to the post office so email me your address to send it to!!!!!

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What wonderful news! I'm so glad for the recovery that has allowed this moment and for the love and trust that has grown over these many years. It sounds like a special day of celebration.



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Thank you all so much for your support and kind thoughts. It really is kinda fun, especially with Bruce so on board. I got a separate notebook just for the planning and he keeps it on his table when I go off to work and goes through it all - LOL. He picked the menu and we got that off to the Restaurant today.


MC - LOL. That was perfect! I am still laughing. But he did cut out a coupon for the florist I intend to use - Deja Vu! Also he did set up a page in the notebook which he headlined BUDGET! LOL and boy, he sure insists I fill it out! LOL.


Again, thank all of you and yes, will Email the pix to someone who can get them on here. Debbie

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CONGRATULATIONS----- is all i can say... moving on with life... together, with each others encouragement ,we are all living again!!! Can you believe it... no more of this ohh poor me ( well maybe a little) ---- Just like the shining beacon of light you have always been -- move on we will see your light by which we can all see... i think each of us has a little light and as long as we stick together and shine the way - hopefully non of us will get lost...shine on debbie, shine on !! And Bruce...

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I am so happy for you and Bruce.

We are there in spirit at the wedding. but, i still want to see pics.

Life is a juggling act. that is what keep us so young.


I am so glad to hear that Bruce is excited.



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Well, many people marry and fall apart at the first sign of any difference between them. You have both been tested by fire, and have come out on the other side! It will be a fulfillment to a dream that has been on hold so very long. We will all be there, you know, in spirit, like flies on the wall! I'm so happy that you still fit the same dress, so the story will go on just as it first started! Ah, I'm just too sentimental. I bought the first dress I tried on, because I already became sentimental over it.... I'm an idiot, though....

So happy for your joyful news :)

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Yahoo Debbie! I know you are organized and also will not have the "wedding jitters" as you and Bruce are READY! LOL As everyone has posted we will be with you in spirit and thinking and praying for you both. So happy for you both.



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