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I Be Back!



Those three little words took me on a trip yesterday that helped me see what I'm grateful for--one of the things anyway.


My room is an old sun porch that was built onto the house for my grandmother after her stroke--to get her away from my grandfather, so HE said. lol Anyway, it's very, very small but has huge windows nearly from floor to ceiling. Yesterday, while sitting at my desk I hear from just outside my window a little three year old voice stating emphatically, "I be back!". Then I heard "No Shane, we have to go. Come here" Again, "NO. I Be back. I was surprised by this and wasn't sure what was going on and just then heard this tiny tapping on my door.


I got up to open the door to find my neighbor's little three year old boy---big grin plastered across his face saying happily, HI DEE-ah (he can't say Jamie). They were trying to go grocery shopping but it became apparent they weren't going without Shane getting his hug and kiss first!


Across the street is Stella. She's 4. and is a chatterbox...and thinks there's nothing "Miss Jamie" can't do. I thought I'd fall off the porch laughing the night she chastised a cloud for being naughty and blocking her and daddy's view of Venus...and told the cloud if it didn't stop being naughty that it was going to be "soooo punished! because she was going to tell Miss Jamie!


and my own grandkids. Jayden is very calm and sweet and Colby is just...Colby. She's sweet too but well, you'll get it in a minute...


Colby was giving me the third degree about "Nana, why'd you get OLD!?" Jayden, very calmly said Colby, you're going to hurt Nana's feelings. That's not nice. But Colby being Colby was going to get to the bottom of this mystery of why Nana let herself get old when being 4 is so darned fun! Finally in exasperation Jayden looked at me and rolled her eyes and said "I'm sorry Nana. I just can't do nothing with that girl!"


It's funny, I got one of those fortunes from a fortune cookie a few months ago that said "Your life will be filled with beauty. Just open your eyes" Well, I did and only saw dad across the table and thought, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". I guess what they say is true, "there is no one so blind as he who refuses to see"


So, I'm grateful for all the sweet children in my life.


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I know what you mean Jamie, I got kids around me after school and my grand daughter daily with a ton of questions and all about her puppy!! I bought the puppy a recliner chair placed it next to mine my wife got me for Fathers Day this year and the puppy is in it more than me!!


Now she has her own chair and when she wants to go outside she hops up in it so I can get the leash hooked up on her collar with one hand!! She'll be a year old January first and has come a long way in size from two weeks old when we brought her home!!


I really think all survivors need some interest in life with family members, the kids, and the pets if you have any at home!! Otherwise being a survivor is a pretty dull life!!!

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You can't beat kids and pets for cheering you up...!lol. It is good to look outside of our limited space and see the good things going on around us. I've always had kid friends in my neighbourhood and been grateful to their parents for letting me be an honorary aunt or Granma to them.


Hope some of this overcomes the sadness in your life and brighter times are ahead.



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The kids and pets really are great for chasing blue moods!


Generally, I'm not sad, though I get sad like everyone and maybe more because of mental issues but mostly that's okay too. I think I give the wrong impression because mostly that's the only time I say much because I learned a long time ago it's better to unleash it in a blog than in real life. Plus I have it in black and white and can work through it later. I'm more lonely than sad and the kids maybe more than overcome it, definitely...I'll think of the word the second I post this but right now for the life of me I can't! LOL


I've thought a lot this week, and I have more to be grateful for than not and though it's taken me longer than most to get "here", I'm ok with that too. Because I will get it all worked out even if it takes longer than someone else.


Thanks for the well wishes, Sue. I wish you the same. Terry? six is a good age no matter how you approach it!



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