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Trying my best



I bought another car. I did not tell my dad and I know he would have told me "not to, Im not ready to drive in the big city, I can't afford the debt", etc but I needed it. My foot was so busted and blistered up from taking the bus. I still use my bus pass but I love having my car if I just need to go down the street to pick up my medicine or get my groceries. My supervisor puts me on the schedule a lot to work until 8pm and they do not want me to wait for the bus late at night because the area is not safe. I tried to schedule the handicap bus to pick me up since I knew I would be getting off work late but there was no one to pick me up. I didnt want to lose my job already for not being able to get to work on time or being a burden to everyone else that has to wait around for me and make sure I get picked up. So I went and bought a car. My credit was good so I financed it and got full coverage insurance. I got points on my license from my last accident so my insurance is very expensive. Im trying to think of new sources of income I can use to pay for it.


Life is going pretty good. Work is perfect. Being on my feet all day standing stooping bending walking is great. I dont get spasms in my leg at night anymore from sitting at a desk all day and I dont get pain in my shoulder from being hunched over a computer screen all day. Rehab finally called but I just got the message today. I will call Monday to schedule OT. I meet with the bioness rep on Monday too. I decided not to buy it. I decided to take some of you guys advice and just accept things. Having my car, living on my own, working a physically demanding job, makes me feel normal and gives me so much more self esteem. I plan to start OT continue to exercise and use the bioness during OT but 1) I dont have the money anymore to pay for bioness since I bought my car and 2) I have so many other things to make me feel normal instead of just focusing on being ambidextrous. If I can do everything I ever wanted without the use of my left hand, why continue to dwell on it? Its been 11 years. I cant stay stuck on the same one goal from 2001. My life has changed so much. My goals are just to take care of myself, be as independent as I can, and in the process dont destroy my knee/ankle/foot, and dont let my fingers tighten back up. I am living the life I always thought I'd never have and I dont want anything to bring me down. Thanks for your advice. I continue to try to use my hand when I think about it and do stretches while Im reading. I got to stop saying I cant use my hand. I use it everyday to hold my toothbrush when applying tothpaste, I use it to hold utensils when washing dishes. I use my arm to carry the mail or my coat and to hold bags of food while I cut them open when cooking


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hey Katrina :


you made my day today, I am so happy for you, you are finally focusing what is still working well in your life instead of focusing on your left hand. I am so proud of you, you are amazing young girl who has made best lemonade out of your lemons


love you



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You are simply amazing. Yes, goals are made to change. You are accomplishing so much. I love to hear how you manage to do everything that you do. You really push yourself and I admire you for that.


Keep up the good work and keep us posted.



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All those same things you said I've told you before in using that hand even opening your car door, the thing is we can easily forget it's there!! Pray Katrina ask God you will do fine on your own and the blessings will come your way!!


Good things are coming your way little by little!

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