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our first blizzard !!!



well since our move into town we havent had it to bad in terms of ND weather... but today is our first "blizzard" it is cold i guess with the wind chill it will be about 20 below tonight.. and the car is in the garage LOL ( dan likes to keep the garage clean and car free) but snow and such will trump his wishes and he seems ok with it... it has been unseasonable warm as of late and that for dan and i has been nice.... but the snow is here now -- and since it was a dry year here that is OK .. so no real complaints..... this will mean of course no outside walking for dan -- as from here on out in ND it is rare to find any areas that are not icey at some point in a short walk to pretty much anywhere... so the wheelchair although primarily his mode of mobility - will become even more so... that precious freedom of the short walk out to the car - or into therapy or a resturant will be no more at least untill spring -------- but it is what it is --- the stroke mantra adopted by so many------- for fun i am getting a sore throat - yes, yes we had our flu shots so it should just be a virus.....have a good week everyone !!!! Nancyl


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Oh no, not a blizzard already! We are still enjoying good weather in Ohio, but will be getting some of that nasty stuff in Jan & Feb, maybe March. We will be hibernating also. I hope the sore throats are just from the heater drying them out. I always need a humidifyer or suffer immensely from throat and nose pain.

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Nancy, we are getting the snow as well here in the tip of the arrowhead in Northern MN. Ours at the moment is mostly "lake effect" from Lake Superior or the "big Lake" as we locals call it. The storm you are getting will give us some more as it passes by. We love it and are ready. I am looking forward to clearing our 1,000' driveway tomorrow with our ATV. We wear chain type grippers on our boots when outside. Bring it on!!


BTW I put a ice gripper on the end of my cane for winter walking when I used a cane.

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that cold front will hit us in Houston Monday night. So we have warm weather until then.

Be careful. Ice can be dangerous. I hate to hear that the snow and ice are going to be a bother for you.


take care.



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Nancy: that is so funny about the garage. But at least honey you got the car in before the storm and all that wet on the floor - LOL.


I am prepared for that cold snap. Saturday could not have been more perfect here and that was my concern. We had an incredibly warm week and was just praying for Saturday. It was overcast, but realitively warm. I draped a flannel over Bruce, but had the truck warmed up. Mary and I were sleeveless, but never needed a shawl or sweater. So bring on winter. It is coming anyway. Just so thankful Saturday was perfect. Debbie

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We are having it wet and cold (comprativey) and it is summer!!!! Hail storms at the weekend.


Nancy, just take care, be prepared to go out if you have to , if you don't have to hunker down and enjoy the great indoors for a change.



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You are in that zone but you know how to survive and you already have for some years now!! I had cold weather like that while in Germany with the Army for years but was glad when it was my time to come home to Texas!!!

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Nancy, we haven't had much snow in PA yet either. I think there was one in November that gave us, maybe an inch. Many people are upset beccause there isn't snow yet, but it's ok with me. For one, it's so much harder to get around and then there is shoveling our long driveway. I wouldn't mind some flakes floating around in the air though. It would brighten things up a bit.

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Nancy I'd rather have very cold snow conditions - the snow isn't as slippery as it is just barely freezing. I'd rather endure a few minus temp days thatn the heat & humidity of summer in S Tex. I guess either way you get used to it --Dad was raised in south central Tx- hot & humid I was born in west TX Lubbock area dry & hot when Dad, a geophysicist, was transferred to Bismark ND. big shock to his system . in ND once it got cold - it stayed cold . Dad took the time to flood an area & make our own skating rink in the back yard.. after that we Moved to Casper WY - not as cold then up here to Alberta - often mild winters. I dislike the dark more than cold we are blessed with many bright clear sunny days in winter.in our semi arid environments we are lucky to not get the volume of crippling snow as humid areas around great lakes & close to oceans.


At least I've lived enough places to make an informed choice of where to live & where I live has universal health care lots of security knowing I haven't had to worry about affording medica lcare for me & my family.




Nancy - once we are in to Jan we can usually start seeing signs of moving towards spring - and we will have gotten through another winter and do we EVER appreciate .Spring.




Yep things are a bzillion times easier without winter roads & sidewalks I did most of my winter driving in cities at 30ish mph when I moved to sticks I had to get used to highway driving at 60ish.


I so want to get to a big town or small city - but Wayne has lived here or across the road since 1959 & has never lived in a city - just small hick towns .



Take care Nancy


Susan from Alberta Canada

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