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Still Hospitalized



The past few days have felt very strange. I was so involved in taking care of Chris and now that he's in the hospital I feel empty. waycon1.gif


Tommorrow he is having his stress test. The cardiac enzymes have again come back negative. They have stopped the Heparin drip and removed the oxygen for now. Today he really had his color back although he is very sleepy. I guess I would be too if I went through what he did. I have asked his nurse to have the cardiologist call me with the results of his stress test and the final opinion of what really happened last friday.


I would also hope that the neurologist would do the nerve block before they would discharge him.


Chris is questioning me and you can tell he is afraid that when he is discharged from the hospital that they are gonna ship him to another nursing home. I have tried my best to reassure him that this is not going to happen and he will be returning home. I guess I would be scared also - that nursing home that he was sent to was the PITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So tonight I say another prayer that all will be well with tommorrow's test. smile.gif


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