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Diary entry 6th June 2005



Have had a pretty good day today. Clair went to massage therapist and is feeling better about her back, hope he has found the problem, she gets far to much back pain.


She phoned me twice today which was nice, I believe our mother daughter relationship is as it was pre stroke. I am feeling so much more independent, some days more so than others.


I haven't been into strokenet for some time. Reading other members blogs has helped me today, just getting to know a little more about a person is great. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Perry's standard poodle and now I am wondering how the training is going. I am a real dog lover, I have a English Staffordshire Terrier (Sallie) and she has been such a wonderful friend. Tony brought her to visit me in hospital a few times, she would jump up onto my bed and go to sleep, I knew she was so pleased to see me.


I'll leave this entry at that for today.




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