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Just For Today

I was given a just for today card a long time ago, it helped me then because of it's symplicity, it was part of a 12 step program. I am at a point that i feel the need to incorporate some positive direction and if i can keep focused on the just for today card i am sure it will help me.   JUST FOR TODAY: I will exercise my soul in three ways. I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out. If somebody knows of it, it will not count. I will do at least two things I do not want to do -



12 step recovery program

I find writting still a little difficult. Like a lot of things that require my brain it's so slow. On the other hand i am looking for material that would involve using my brain. Before my stroke I was a member of AA for the best part of 20 years. Now I find it difficult sitting through a meeting, too many people. My problems are now related to stroke issues and i would like very much to be involved with a "Stroke Group 12 Step Recovery Group"  



Diary entry 6th June 2005

Have had a pretty good day today. Clair went to massage therapist and is feeling better about her back, hope he has found the problem, she gets far to much back pain.   She phoned me twice today which was nice, I believe our mother daughter relationship is as it was pre stroke. I am feeling so much more independent, some days more so than others.   I haven't been into strokenet for some time. Reading other members blogs has helped me today, just getting to know a little more about a per



Another learning curve.

The beginning of this week was very miserable for me, even knowing I had come a long way from early post stroke, I was not coping with what seemed increased confusion and just not knowing what to do about it. All I had to do was to ask for help from StrokeNet.   Write down list of things to do on a daily basis, include plans and your own needs, like walking the dog, gym, check email and internet sites. Note any confusion and back off until it clears.   I have checked out 2 daily Zen medi



Another learning experience

Saturday, end of a very busy week. Today I have decided I'm not going anywhere. Tony being on holidays has meant going out most days, which has been nice but tiring.   I had noticed some members spoke of hand help computers and how they had helped with memory problems. I bought an iPAQ Pocket PC h2210 yesterday hoping it will help me with my short term memory. Thought I could just follow the instructions in the brochure to set it up but there is something I'm not doing right. I Can't get



Trying again

I may have lost a number of things due to the stroke but not my stubborn streak. I lost an entry to my blog earlier today, here I am 10pm trying again. Im sure it would have been something simple.   What I do is keep going until I'm too tired and then I make mistakes. I'll just try to mail this as a draft so I can come back to it. Please don't fail again.   Good it was OK this time. Time for bed, try again tomorrow.    



Need to quicken up

Tony is on 4 weeks annual leave, it is so nice having him home. Tomorrow we are going into Frankston to do some shopping... haven't done that for some time. Last time he took holidays was when I came home from hospital, quite different to now.   Tony drove me to Melbourne last Sunday to meet Lin from StrokeNet and her sister, we spent 3 or 4 hours together, had a nice lunch by the Yarra River, then went on a short river cruise which was a first for Tony and I. Think we were all tired by th



I can do this - just keep trying ODAT

Just found an encouraging message from Pam (thank you).. like she said - I am doing OK. Some days I feel as though I am going back wards, but if I stop and check I have come such a long way, and continuing to improve. Checking into StrokeNet helps so much... makes me realize that I am not alone in my ups and downs.   Very hot today, 35deg C, so I'm staying indoors out of the heat, will take my dog Sallie out for a walk after it has cooled down. Maybe Tony will come with us, then we could g



First Day of 2005

Not the best of days, definate depression - hate these mood swings. I also find them difficult to talk to anyone about, I only want to say I'm doing well, but some days I just want to hide away. I see my physician on 7th January, I plan to tell him about the depression.   This is too hard tonight... I'll try again tomorrow. My problems I know are minor in comparison with what tha people of S.E. Asia are going through - seems like there is no end to that horrors.    



Testing private entry

FRIDAY: 7th January 2005   Today is my first private entry. I have been feeling quite good this week.   Challenges:   Creating sheets of labels in M.S. Word. Used to do this all the time. Ended up opening Access file and sending to M.S. Word. - it worked but I know there is a simple wayin M.S. Word.   I will close this now and add to it later.   Forgot lunch time meds AGAIN. Need to get some sort of reminder for this lunchtime tab maybe an alarm watch to go off at 1pm. seem




Still not 100% sure about BLOGS, what happened to the 2 drafts I mailed! maybe they will show up.   I want to write so much of what is going on in my life, but still have problems writing about what is important. Maybe I should list what I feel are important aspects of my life.   - Family - Stroke Recovery - Happiness   That's not much of a list but if I break down each point there is so much to work on.   Stroke Recovery, I have come so far have puts heaps of work into recove



Entry 2 - Keep trying Jules

Only got up once last night, spent some time on computer, finally went back to bed about 3am. Don't feel too tired today, seems most mornings I have to make a big effort to get started.   The South East Asia dissaster is making me feel so down, I know I'm not alone with these feelings. Sometimes I guess that you are powerless to do anything except make a small donation. Our local R.S.L. (Returned Solders League) are requesting donations of clothes, shoes and the like - can help there also.



First Entry

Just a draft attempt to check I have set this up correctly. I'll come back to it when I have caught up on some sleep. Have had a few bad nights, 2.30am now, I must close down this computer and get some sleep, very hot day forcasted for today. I think I have the general idea of this journal programme now, will try again later today.  

