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Those two girls!



blog-0692012001357469119.jpegI think I told the story of "cane golf". Basically my grand daughters were afraid of my cane at first and upset because they though it was hurting me so to get them over it I taught them to turn it upside down and hit their ball like golf--I lost my cane for the next four hours! This year before even opening what I got them this year they informed me they wanted canes for Christmas so they could play cane golf at home. Who the heck would ever think to get a 6 year old and 4 year old a cane??? Life after stroke...sheesh! Probably most importantly they also let me know in short order they wanted rainbow colored canes! I'll get right on that...


Colby came running to give me a hug and to let me know that "Daddy says I'm just like you all day long!". I told Colby that just means Daddy thinks she's really special. Jayden couldn't let me continue in my dream world and said "nuh uh, Nana. Daddy says that when she's being bad!" I enjoyed asking "Daddy" about this, too! LOL


And what Christmas would be complete without a classic Colby story? And right up front I have no idea who she gets this from!


The festivities were over. Mike told the girls.."girls? we're going home (two hours away) and you both need to go to the bathroom before we leave" Jayden just said "Okay Daddy" and left the room. Colby said "I already went today. I don't have to go yet" She continued to refuse so he told her that he wasn't stopping on the way home and she would just pee herself. I knew the minute they started being jostled in the car they'd have to go so I told Colby "Colby? Do what your daddy said or Nanna is going to carry you in there and I'll hold you on the toilet until you go, if I have to" When she came back her dad said "Man, I'm sending you home with Nanna for a few days! She hugged her dad and said noooo Daddy I wanna go home with you!" I chuckled and said but Jayden will go with me cuz Jayden and me will have fun! Without missing a beat Colby said "But Daddy, I want to go home with you, I realllly hate having fun!"


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Kids say the darndest things another reason we as adults have to be careful what we say in their presents cause they don't forget!!


I got one here in our house and wouldn't take nothing for her, she is my big helper now, she tells me all the time, and her little dog is my little helper because she gets my house shoes, yea right, then I have to go find them!


That little one year old dog loves shoes not to be wearing any!

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Love your stories! I'm a Nana too and those grands keep the joy flowing. We have twin grandkids (girl and boy) who are 2 1/2. The boy (Aiden) has taken to Lauren's quad cane and uses it as a microphone for his "performances." Totally love that. When he started stomping his right foot like a country singer I cracked up. I'll see if they decide to pick up "cane golf" at some point.


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That was wonderful. I have two grandkids, a boy 7yrs,and a girl 5, they keep me in checked. When I walked with a cane, Nicholas would walk with it saying " this is how you look Grandma", it would lift my soul. I see if they like to play cane golf. LOL



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