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There's Hope



I finally met an OT that believes in me. My new OT is really great. Today was my first session of the 3 I get with medicaid. During this session she educated me on the differences between the splints, did some slow stretches with me, did some e-stim with me. and took down my insurance information so we can look into getting me some splints to wear in the day and at night and e-stim to use at home. She also modified my wrist support so it will keep my wrist neutral, gave me a little cylnder to hold in my fingers so they wont dig, and made a makeshift velcro strap so the cylinder wont fall out of my hand. We are going to start with a static progressive splint. That way if I cant get therapy after my 3 sessions are up, I can still slowly stretch those muscles that have shortened in my arm back out by using a static progressive splint which will allow me to adjust it to bring my wrist up slowly every couple of weeks. For e-stim to really help me I will need to be all stretched out which will take a couple of months. I am just happy I finally met someone in the medical profession that actually believes in me and realizes that I need to do more than just stretches. so our plan is wear the splints until my tone decreases, retrain my fingers to move through e-stim, and start using my left hand! Now that I have somebody that believes in me and doesnt believe in stretching my hand til Im in tears or leaving me on a mat to stretch for 45 minutes while they go work with another patient, Im ready. We have a clear plan and she is going to do the most we can in our next/last 2 visits so I will be all set.


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Well, here I come back telling you the same ole thing, "Use that left hand and stop hiding it day in and day out like you have for 10 years or more. You got to use it not ignore it and you'll be a whole different little lady and college graduate living on your own lately.


I really feel like all my prayers for you to recover and get better has been answered now. Remember back I emailed you pictures of splints and braces and you said you can't wear any of them but that was because you hadn't until now. You hated any splint or brace, remember??


Glad you got a therapist you like, that does make all the difference in your recovery so work hard and enjoy the results, OK?

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