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10 things I like about myself



I am following Jamie's footsteps in trying to come up with 10 things I like about myself. Since I have that negative person sitting in my head & telling me all the time how I am not good enough & all other lies. So I am going to give it a try, I am sure it will take me long time to come up with the list.


1. I am good mom & wife

2. I will do anything for our son and my family.

3. I am go getter person

4. I am spiritual person

5. I am very hard working person

6. I am very straightforward person

7. I am honest person

8. this is harder than I thought will be

9. I am good friend

10. I am still smart even after stroke


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Yea Asha, you did it, you got it done, hoop, hoop, hooray, make some noise you are winning and recovery is going great for you. I would be willing to bet ya you can think of 10 more now??


Just one thing, I thought you had two boys at home?? If not you are living the life of a millionaire with a taylormade family no wonder you are happy they treat you like a sitting Queen of the thrown.


I say all that because your number one on your list was "I'm a good mom and wife"!! You got it going on lady. Don't stop now!

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Fred :


no we have only one child sometimes I talk about my nehew alon with my son, maybe that's why you thought that.



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Yay Asha! I'm glad you did this. I was beginning to think you all were going to let me have all of the fun! That one really is a hard one for many people. You did good!



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I once did "50 thing about me" - took me a week of editting before I was happy with it. I am with Fred, being a good wife and Mom and the mentor you are to us on Strokenet makes you tops in my book.



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Great idea Asha. I'm going to make it a project I work on for myself and than I will post it.

Good Job and thanks for the inspiraition to do this.


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