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wonderful technology;super cool



my son's baby is now an inch long,the lenght of my thumbs knuckle. dave brought his cell phone to the ultrasound and actually taped the sounds of the baby's heartbeat. brought tears to my eyes hearing that quick beat saying i'm here and if like dad a force to be reckon

i'm going with my 2 sisters to florida for 9 days to my older sister's time share.definitely should be warmer.feb is my 10th anniversary so it will be good to have a change of scenery. blessings lynn


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Wow, two lots of good news, the healthy little inch-long grandchild-to-be, and a trip to Florida with your sisters.


(((hugs))) from Sue.

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That is wonderful news about the baby. The weather is great in Florida, a little cold at night, but still comforable. Lots to see and do, enjoy! Also congrates for your 10th anniversary.


Love Yvonne

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