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Over this hump for now..update



Well Dan finally gave in and ate something and took his pills... No seizure no dehydration, just another control issue... But yes I have learned lessons .... I will call and get him in for another surgical consult.. But he isn't moving yet... By that I mean he won't leave the house... He is still sore from his fall in AZ, it was a bad one... And. It Is what started a great deal of this mess..there is no nursing homa availability in this area period the boom from the western part of the state has pushed residents our way... The closest placement is 100 miles away.. And no day care availability, even checked with the Alzheimer's unit just in case.. Nope...checked we have no neuropsychiatric person here...and our state hospital would never even consider him as a placement...this is the part of stroke the is so scarey the unknown... Nobody really knows when it comes to brain damage what to do, so we take it one day at a time... No Debbie I haven't had time yet to get my blood checked I will tomorrow, here is another kicker MY doc the one familiar with my issues is out for the month.. So I will need to wait for her, as by the time I get another doc oriented to my particular set of circumstances it won't be worth it... Unless of course, my level is ridiculous.... Beth is having another allergic reaction ... The doc told us stress will kick off events for her..... Bingo ....so I gotta get her into get a shot as well........on and on we go... Yippee ki yi yay as Dan would say....



Dan made it to therapy today....... Thank goodness.... They stretched him really good and he got some needed exercise ... His sore back/ butt from the fall in AZ is still sore... And they think he bruised or cracked his tailbone but we all opted against the ex ray simply cause there is nothing to be done either way.. Kinda like a broken toe...and they are certain given the physical tests they did with him that it is not a weight bearing issue.... So stretching and exercise.... It was so nice to go back to rehab... But the reality is that the PT is ending soon... Dan is tired of it, he will still get speech as long as he progresses... But I will miss the pt .... He has been so awesome for Dan.... The end of the month and we are done...it is what it is...dans mood is better thank goodness, he came home from therapy exhausted, which he likes... Always did loved hard physical work.... Now he is enjoying a coke in bed...our bed can be set for zero gravity so that is the position he is in to take pressure off his back....I prefer to just lie flat but the option for Dan is nice... Thank you strokenet family for being there and talking me through yet another drama filled incident with Dan.... It is sorta scarey he gets to be the king of stubborn I was hoping someone else could claim the role..... And Sarah I am so glad for your post... I feel a lot less alone, knowing you who definitely has it together and have for a long time still run into meltdowns and roadblocks.... Nancyl


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Thanks for the update, Nancy. You have been on my mind. Isolation from medical services sure limits your options, doesn't it? It is kind of mind boggling to me that there is no nursing home at all in your area. I'm glad he's taking his meds again but I sure do agree with the surgical consult. Need to leave yourself with a way to get around the stubbornness. Day at a time for sure. ~~Donna

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If you can't get decent access to services it is a job for your politicians to fix. We call that the postcode lottery here. People do have to sometimes re-allocate to be near the services they need. Like buying a house in the catchment area of a good school or making sure you are on the bus pick-up route for Daycare. I was told to sell up and move three streets over to do that!


I hope you find someone who can get a handle on Dan's troubles and maybe give you some management strategies. In the meantime I wish for you to have a peaceful weekend.



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I'm glad to hear things are better. You are right to know you will need to tube again, because he is always going to be ready to pull this. I confess to ignorance on where this tube is located, please educate me on it.

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Honey, I wasn't beating you up - well maybe just a little, but Nancy that has to be your priority. Message me the numbers - I can read them. I don't care that your Doctor is away, your medical history and what is needed for your levels is well documented. You are 100% on top of what your labs mean. You could direct any Clinician.


But you can not deal with the responsibilities you have: daughter, grandchild, husband, home, financials etc unless you come first. And yes, I would also love to add in a bath, cup of tea and some time out for a bit of reading. But I know you won't do that.


Nancy, I know your services are very scarce. Is it possible that you will now consider some private caregiving in the home? You could take your grandson out to library or arcade, your daughter would have less stress in the home. She could get home from school and go to her room, get homework done, visit with friends; knowing you were OK and Dad was being cared for.


But if not in the house, consider paying privately for the PT since Dan responds so positively to it. That is where perhaps you want to focus the attention. One thing that he does respond to and doesn't act out. I would consider asking at the Outpatient for private pay just to get it out of your home and let Dan have access to all the equipment he is used to.


Please do keep us updated. Debbie

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Only if we knew what was just around the bend it would make our minds more at ease in whatever there was to handle when we make that curve.

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