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Had to go visit the ER for fun.......... No Beth did



Beth our 16 yr old works at the hospital as a housekeeper .. They have treated her very well. And she is a hard worker like her dad... Today she got hurt at work.. Nothing drastic.. She is a tiny little thing only 5' 3" and was trying to put a laundry bag down the laundry Shute... The string on the bag got wrapped around her wrist , ( she obviously didn't realize) so when she finally managed to push the bag through the spring loaded door of the Shute. The laundry bag took off and darn near pulled her in with it.... She managed to hang on and pull the bag back out but darn near broke her wrist.... So I get a text.... I got hurt at work am at the ER.... ..since she was working at the hospital already , at least it was a short walk... She will be fine, just one of those things... But I asked Dan should we go be with her, I mean she is only 16 and it is no fun sitting waiting on things... And Dan said yes, and so we went to the ER ... Dan wanted to see her "owie" but also kept trying to grab her wrist.. So there was that careful fine line.. Wanting him to be allowed to parent but not trusting his judgement either.... In the end we got him to slow down be gentle so he could get a good look at her wrist....and today he did show empathy for his girl....but later forgot she was hurt at home , as he was expecting a little much and I was outside doing a little snow shoveling... It hadn't snowed but some dog clean up was needed and the snow had melted so I could move some snow around to prevent ice in the wrong places....it was nice to be able to drop what we were doing ( just watching tv) and go be with our daughter when she needed us..... One tiny , tiny piece of life..... And I am thankfull....nancy


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Well Nancy most dads are concerned about daughters and I don't know why but when or if there is an accident non life threatening we want to be right there if possible. Not so much about sons we expect them to get into trouble or accidents and my response was "I'll be right there soon as I can." After I sat and try to figure out "Why."


Dan is no different about a daughter, I bet he said as best he could to you "take me to see what's wrong and is she hurt"?? You all are glad and I'm glad it wasn't too bad but I bet it scared the S**t out of her. It would have me thinking of falling down that chute. All we can say is accidents happens.

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Nancy I am so glad that Beth did not get hurt, I am sure she will be more carefull next time. This job should be a wonderful eye opening experince for your daughter being 16 and working in a hospital, that is fantastic, you must be proud.

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Hi Nancy, please Beth is doing great. Great that she is doing house keeping in a hosptial! Good for her, I know both of you are proud. Best wishes to everyone.


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Hi Nacy im glad Beth is ok . When im trying to mop my floor some time i forget that it is wet an down i go . but i set there for a min thin i try to get up after i bless my self out . Oh by the way you can kssp the snow their haha. take care love you .





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