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Been a While!



Hello everyone! It has been a while since i blogtged so I thought i would jump on and let everyone in on whats been happening here! Got sick on Saturday the 9th went to ER and after spending several hours there they sent me home saying it was just a gallbladder attack and that i was gonna have see a surgen soon to have it taken care of. Well after a very painful weekend i spent most of the day on Monday sick and after taking Mike to therapy came home and collapsed on the sofa writhing in pain! Tried getting in to see my doctor with no such luck so basically took pain meds and suffered till late evening when once again had to call my daughter to come take me to ER. This time i saw a Nurse Practitioner, why oh why can't the doctors be as thorough as they are? She was so sweet and asked if they had done blood work at my last visit. I told her no and that was first thing on her agenda. After discovering that i had several things going on she decided to send me to the larger hospital 45 miles away for more tests and that has specialists that can take care of me. Well after 7 days of not eating anything, not even ice chips, they took out my gallbladder and cleared up all the rest of the crap going on with my body. All total I spent 10 days in the hospital and Mike was home alone most of that time! Thank goodness for SKIPE! He would have went nuts if we could have not talked via internet for that long. Oh he came to visit me, twice, once my daughter brought him and the other his daughter brought him but i don't remember that much about either of the visits. I do remember seeing him on the internet and how lonely he was. Well we both learned one thing at least, if i ever have to go away for an extended period of time he can survive! Just hope I never have to do that again! So now you know where i have been!! Glad to be back!! God Bless everybody!!


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CAT: honey, there you are! So sorry. And as much pain as you were in, I know your concern was with Mike. And good for him! Now that you are home and recovering, much relief I am sure.


I did so miss you and thank you for checking in and letting us know. Please take care. Take your time in recovery and let us know how all is going. Love to Mike, of course. Hope you are giving him a lesson in caregiving! Debbie

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Cat, so sorry you were in the hospital and had the surgery. I'm happy to see you on here again as I was wondering where you went. I thought you were busy planning for your upcoming wedding!


Take care and so proud Mike handled it so well.



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Hey welcome back healthy now and feeling much better I know! Mike was like me left alone and we both were OK so now we know we can stay home and not worry about "What If"!

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Hi Cat, so please that you are back,and doing much better. Now you take it easy, just nice and slow.Please that Mike is doing well , see men do suprise us now and then.


God bless to you both.



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That sure seems like they took the long way around to get the job done, leaving you suffering a long time, and Mike alone. I really really hate doctors. I'm glad you are on the mend though, please be careful, don't hoist Mike, he can do it!

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Cat, all is well that ends well but that was a heck of a way of finding out if Mike could cope alone! Hope you are recovering day by day, it takes a while to get back to anything like normal but at least as the pain from the operation eases you should start to feel stronger now.


Yes, it is amazing what they can do on their own. Congratulations to Mike on being self-sufficient when he has to be.



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