From: Staying alone isn't cool!
Mike has become totally and completely intolerable about me going places without him. He doesn't like me going anywhere that is going to be more than an hour or two in length. He broods the whole day if he knows i am going to be gone in the afternoon and sometimes i think he fakes passing out and falls while i am gone in order to make me feel bad. For example on Easter Sunday he did not want to go to the family dinner with me so I went alone. I was gone longer than I expected to be so on my way home he sent me a text wanting to know how much longer i was gonna be. I told him i was almost there so when i got home he was on his knees in front of his pc and said he had fallen in the den and crawled to the chair to try and get up! Mind you i was only 5 min from home and he knew this, he proceeded to cry and told me he was so glad i was home and how lonely he was without me. I need some help here. Does anyone else have this problem? The whole 10 days i was in the hospital he stayed home alone and never once fell or had any passing out issues. This is not the first time something like this has happened. I think he is affraid if I knew he could take care of himself I would leave him! Maybe this will pass after we get married
Source: Staying alone isn't cool!
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