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No More OT



Well today I used my last OT session. It was bittersweet. The good news is I still have time to find a provider in network with my dad's insurance, my OT keeps in touch with me through e-mail, and I got everything I needed. I am very thankful for my OT and I appreciate everything she did to make the most of our 3 brief sessions. I got my NMES unit today. Medicaid has been slow so I did not get my resting hand splint but she did got the orthotics guy my contact information. I don't know it medicaid is going to pay for my e-stim unit and I am not clear on how much my deductible will be so it sucks I cant jump for joy over finally having my very own e-stim unit. I am just believing that insurance will pay and I won't have to send it back. I am excited to begin using it. It feels so good to feel my fingers stretch out. I feel like I wasted so many years of my life in my home town not getting any better then I moved here and got exactly what I needed in a few months. I am just working on my extensors right now. My flexors work pretty good at making a fist. I feel the pressure of "If it is to be then its up to me" since I don't have anyone to work with me. I have no family to help no friends around and no OT anymore so it is completely dependent on me how much I improve. Some goals I have are to:

begin doing 2 1 hour sessions of e-stim a day

finish reading Stronger After Stroke

Practice squeezing my first then letting the e-stim open it back up

Begin sleeping with my hand in the resting splint whenever I get it and wear the wrist support throughout the day.

I cant believe it took this long for me to discover this journey was not over. I am just glad I worked hard to make this happen and finally got the OT I deserved years ago (someone who cared about helping me progress and not just getting a paycheck).


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We're going through a spurt of rehab and medical activity too, after a year or so of floating. You just have to find the right people to work with, that's the truth. It seems sort of natural though to do things intensely, then lay back for awhile and then start again with renewed strength. Give it all you got while you can!!

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I'm so happy for you much as you have struggled from a young age without good directions on stroke recovery and no OT or PT during that time. You had gotten so set on doing nothing to get your left side working for you not even wanting to wear the hand brace. I knew for sure it helped me and it would you too.


I hope the new estim will help you get your hand working better real soon. That will make you a real happy camper. Good luck Katrina I'll be thinking about how you are doing so let us know, OK?

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I have always wondered why when Bob does e-stim, it does not open his fingers. It just lifts his hand up and his clenched fingers kinda spread open. The one at PT works like this, and the one I use at home also. But your fingers are actually stretching open?

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Guest hostwill


Katrina, I too have done E-stim, Botox and wear a resting splint, plus I am currently waiting for a different splint from the VA. I am happy to hear you are getting a good workout. Never give up!



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