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Busy Busy Busy



Sorry I dont get on here to write more like I used to but we are so busy now that I just dont have the time until late at night. Cayden has his eyes and ears checked and they said that his hearing is normal for him and I told them about his plugging his ears on some things and they put special equipment into his ears and they said that his hearing was normal so they think that his brain is amplifying his hearing when it reaches the brain. He has astigmatism in his right eye so he is wearing glasses now but only at night when he does his schoolwork.

Yes we are now doing night school with him. He learns better at night when he has played all day and he is ready to settle down for bed. So when we homeschool him next year we will start him off at night and if he continues that way then when he is ready to go off to school we will have to find a special school where he can do his schooling at night. Right now it doesnt look like he will be ready to enter a public school again until highschool. I dont know what happened in K but he doesnt want to be around anyone again. I try to get him to visit an old friend who lives 4 houses down and he will go but he only goes there for maybe an hour at the most. I dont know what to do or how to help him with that but I do know not to push the issue. I hope when he gets older he will want to be around others.

I know right now that its a good thing for all concerned because of his body not being able to regulate its own temp and if he were to get sick he would be right back into the hospital. I used to feel bad that I took him to the hospital everytime he got sick but its a good thing because they are better equipped to break his temp and control it like they have been. I wouldnt know what to do because here I have been medicating him when he didnt need it tho the meds didnt seem to work until I stripped him down......GO FIGURE!!!!!!!

Either than that all is going well with my lil miracle. I will try to blog again soon.

take care everyone and thank you for all your support


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Thanks for blogging again Dyan, I am always pleased to catch up on your news of Cayden.Now you have him in a routine I am sure the home schooling will go better and I know you will be able to incorporate a lot of learning into his play too. A friend's daughter taught colors, alphabet, numbers,all kinds of things through her and her son singing together as he played.


At one stage after one of his strokes Ray lost control of his temperature too and I used to put my hand under his shirt to feel his chest as his body sweated but not his head.Strange things can happen after strokes. I am glad on the whole things are going well for you.



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i agree about the temperature thing... it is absolutely true... when dan was septic he would run a temp of 104 and be freezing - typical sepsis... but sometimes his temp on his forhead and the temp on his body were vastly different... and even now he wants only a sheet on at night... this summer should make for a interesting time...

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Dyan :


thanks fir updating us about our little cayden, I often wonder how you all are doing. I am glad things are going on great with you guys.



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It does sound like you have a lot going on! Your little guy seems to be in great hands. I find it interesting that he does better in school at night. Homeschooling is just the thing for being responsive to the particular needs of a student. It would be so nice if schools could figure out how to individualize their education just a bit more. Best wishes! ~~Donna

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Try to monitor him when possible when he is visiting with others so no abuse is happening to him. Other kids and some grown ups just do crazy things these days when no one is looking.


I'm glad he is really coming along with school and I know you are busy every day. You won't get bored for sure.

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