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Information on son Cayden Summersill

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DR update

Went to the doctors and had blood tests and chest xrays done and they even did an ekg on me. All came out normal but blood tests showed some inflamation so they have me going to see a breathing doctor. I wont see him until June 11th. I will let everyone know how that goes. They dont think that I have any lung problems but every now and then I still have trouble catching my breath. Cayden is doing good this holiday season. He has his friends from down the street come to our house every day



Summer Vacation

We will be taking Cayden to Florida next month depending on how my doctors apt goes on monday, I have been having trouble catching my breath and I even quit smoking for the most part. Please pray that my trouble breathing is just my new meds they put me on and not anything more serious. Cayden is freaking out that when he wakes up tomorrow or any other day I will be dead. It is taking us longer and longer to put him to sleep like tonight it took me almost 2 hours to get him to go to sleep.




Well today started Caydens summer vacation and he is already bored stiff. His sister is still in school so she is gone all day and all his friends are still in school so he cant go visit them. We have started taking him to museums and finding new ways to keep him occupied until his sister comes home from school. She still has a whole month before she is out for summer. If anyone has any ideas how to keep Cayden occupied please comment THANKS



Busy Busy Busy

Sorry I dont get on here to write more like I used to but we are so busy now that I just dont have the time until late at night. Cayden has his eyes and ears checked and they said that his hearing is normal for him and I told them about his plugging his ears on some things and they put special equipment into his ears and they said that his hearing was normal so they think that his brain is amplifying his hearing when it reaches the brain. He has astigmatism in his right eye so he is wearing gl




Cayden is doing good. He is playing on the computer most of the time but he is trying to use his right hand to move his wizard....WOW!!!!! He usually just turns his wizard in circles but he is trying. He has one more session of PT and his foot dr. wants him to stop. He has to wear his orthotics now only when he wears his shoes which isnt very often if he can help it. But we got it to where he only has one pair of shoes so he has no choice but to wear his orthotics. I try to get him outsid



Caydens story

Well Braincore has definetly worked. Though the allergies is a pain. He has to stay inside most of the time to keep him healthy. This time of year is hard for him because he is getting cabin fever bad. His sister got a DSI and games for Christmas and he stole it from her. He is also playing a game on the computer called wizard 101 and he is on it most of the day. He also watches "Milo and Otis" I wish I can throw that movie away. He hates going to school but is taking to homeschooling re



Caydens homeschooling adventure

It has been a few weeks now that we have started homeschooling Cayden and it is really fun!!!!! I believe he goes on more field trips than all the schools put together. In fact he goes on another field trip to Alabama next week. He is finished with one school text book already and he only has 3 1/2 to go before 180 days and he is already almost finished with another one. In fact I have to go out and buy more books to keep him occupied for the next few months. He is too smart for my own good




Cayden has had his 20 sessions of braincore and he did great. 1 wk later he started acting up again. We did three more sessions that did NOT work. We found out that he is allergic to mold. Well we knew that but not the extent of his allergy to the mold plus we had no idea that mold was a neuro toxin. What was happening was that the mold was changing his brain function and making him very upset. Onto good news. We are homeschooling him and he is breezing through Kindergarten and first grad




Cayden had his last session of braincore today and will no longer need anymore so far. He is allowed to have home braincore if needed but to go to the doctor to have it done so far so good. Shelly his braincore buddy has to fax the paperwork in to Doctor Guy and he will give the final go if we need more or if he is totally done, Dr. Everrett will be using Cayden as an ad in the paper with his photo and my testimony on braincore. She even wants to use him on the tv to show people how well thi




Cayden had his first field trip yesterday which turned out to be his schools nightmare. The kids were all having fun at the fair and after riding the merry go round the trip changed his teachers outlook on life. At about 11:00 am yesterday I got a phone call I will never forget. My son was acting strange. The teacher had no idea what was going on and he wasnt responding to anyone. He kept looking into space and to start out with the teacher thought he was afraid of the next ride that they




I wouldnt normally put another update so close together but we just had a home visit with Caydens social worker through his psychiatrist office and she just told us that Cayden is doing so well that in another month they will be closing his case for awhile. If we think we need them when he hits his teenage years they will reup him. He will also be closed with his psychiatrist in a few more months as well. This braincore therapy is really working for him that he really does seem like a whole




Sorry for not getting back to let everyone know how Cayden has been doing but time has flown by. He is still going every Mon., Wed., and Fri. for his braincore therapy but last week he only had it on Wed. because of Labor day and then Friday the docs had a conference they had to go to so we did more home braincore therapies. We are seeing a very big difference in this boy and we are so proud of him. He is no longer acting like a three yr old, he is now making friends and playing with his fri



Brain Core

This brain core therapy is a good thing but harder to administer than I thought. He has done 5 so far at the office and 7 at home and the office visits are easy. He behaves for the lady-Jessica-but will not do it here at the house. He says the lights bother his eyes but I have tried to remedy that with a pair of sun glasses so the other glasses and the lights arent seen by just his eyes. He likes the sounds of the heart beat but I have to fight him every time I need to administer at home. I



Braincore Therapy

Caydens braincore therapy was postponed until yesterday. He didnt do very well with his evaluation so she had to talk to the guy heading up the therapy about what to do for Cayden. He did very well yesterday at the office and for only having one office visit and one home therapy his attitude is really looking good. Where he would show his oppositional defiance disorder real bad when you tell him no he isnt showing it much now, You tell him to not go in the street off he goes. Now he is actu




We got the best news today!!!!! I have been talking in the chat rooms about a new therapy for Cayden but it was trying to get the insurance to pay for it. Well I talked to the lady today that has the machine at her office and we start Caydens braincore therapy Aug. 3rd. The best part is for $1300 plus we only have to pay $300 for a machine that we have to take home. He will be receiving this therapy for 45 min. a day for the next 6 plus weeks. We dont have to actually pay for the therapy its



Some GREAT News!!!!

Well everyone we have some GREAT news. Though Cayden has had some obstacles in his life he has again hit one more milestone. What milestone has he hit this time? HE HAS LEARNED TO RIDE HIS BIKE WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS!!!!!! We were wondering how horseplay (horse therapy) would work for Cayden but now we know. When he just turned 5 I tried teaching him how to ride but he wouldnt and of course, couldnt learn. Now that he has had 4 lessons of horseplay he got up on his bike with two wheels an



God is not finished with us yet

As of yesterday we have found out that God is not finished with us yet. Why? We had a Doctors apt. and they want us to get Cayden tested for "high functioning" autism. What more can we take? First he dies on us at birth when we find out he had a stroke before he was even born. Then we find out that because of the stroke he has the symptoms of ADHD, OCD, and ODD. He is having attitude problems but some seem normal for a 5 yr old. Now they think he has Autism!!!!! They are thinking that th




Well today was Caydens ENT apt. and we have some good news and bad news. I know alot of people would like the bad news first unfortunately the good news needs to come first because it wouldnt sound right giving the bad news first. THE GOOD NEWS: He will out grow this throwing up through the nose deal. He also does not have cleft palat...however you spell it. He says that this is very rare to have cleft uvula without the cleft palat. He listened to his speach and he said that Cayden doesnt



Caydens newest news

Sorry havent written in awhile but with school and Caydens graduation from pre-k we have been pretty busy. Alot has happened in the past few weeks. 1.) Cayden started horse therapy this past monday and is loving it. He rides a horse and is learning how to get his horse going and stopping. At the end of the six weeks there will be a special needs rodeo that his class will be participating in. 2.) He will be going to see an Ear, Nose, Throat specialist and may have surgery done on his throat



Update on Caydens Progress

Caydens birthday was this friday and a week ago he had his fifth anniversary of his first stroke. He had a small stroke recently but he is doing great. It didnt affect him or did he lose progress of what he has learned. We are having a birthday party for him today with some friends of ours. He is excited about his party and cant wait until his friends get here. He keeps asking about when they will be here and because he knows his numbers he can tell time with a digital clock so he is watchi



New accomplishments for the New Year

As alot of you know Cayden started potty training at the end of last year. Well he is doing really well with that and has had very few accidents. He is now working on wearing no diapers at night. We tried it last night and I hate to admit it but I got peed on last night. So back to the diapers for a lil longer. He has a new bed to go with the new year as well. Pure Spongebob!!!! We are trying to get him out of our bed and into his own. He does good going to sleep as long as I am in the b



New Therapy

Cayden starts his new therapy this next month hopefully.....If we cant get the funds up or the insurance to pay we will have to post pone it until we can come up with the funds.....It is 65 dollars a session and we have to come up with that with 2 children.   The new therapy is called Braincore Therapy.....His psychiatrist is really excited about him getting it and he is going to do everything to find a loop hole in the insurance so he can get it covered by his insurance and if not he said h



Christmas with ADHD

I love Cayden and I love Christmas but with him having ADHD it is very hard to have both. I think if it was just the holidays I could handle it but he has so many routine changes that it is really taking a tole on him. Him potty training and being at home and doing more shopping to get all the christmas gifts that we may not have gotten and the fact that he is home from school we have to take him with us. He is not sure how to handle all of the changes going on this year.   His sister had a



Christmas with Cayden

I know this is supposed to be a happy time for everyone and everyone should love everyone else but this year Cayden is making it a living nightmare!!!!! I love my boy and this time of year but putting them together is not a very good idea right now. We are thinking of celebrating two different holidays in my house until Cayden gets older.     He has NO patients and wants everything NOW!!!! He wants Pop the Pig which is a game and every day when we pick him up from school he asks if we have



Potty training

We have been trying to train Cayden for two yrs now off and on. He does good for a week then doesnt do well. Caydens teacher started 2 wks before Thanksgiving to put him in big boy underwear and the week before Thanksgiving she gave me his diapers because at school he stayed dry. This week his teacher told us to get rid of his diapers and keep him in his big boy underwear and tell him he is all out of diapers and that he needs to poo on the potty. He held it all day yesterday and he tried to

