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Day off



I am watching the live events from Massachusetts right now. I remember coming home from Nursing school in 1993, setting up my homework and then getting CNN live from Waco. After such a terrific day, to come home to this. I am pleased Law Enforcement had quick ending to Boston Marathon bombing. With all the new electronics and videos, once the suspects were pointed out, it was only a matter of time. But now, one still missing. And I can only pray for Law Enforcement and the public safety and some resolution. Bruce lived in Cambridge when he attended Brown. He knows this area.


So, most of you know, I had planned this outing when Erma could not come today. I just was too depressed to think about working Friday evening, even tho Cathy and Pema both offered to come. I did an extra shift during the week to make up my time and was determined that Bruce and I were going to have a fun day - no errands, no paperwork, no housework. Both Kira and Bruce have follow up appointments this next week. And depending on the results of both, I am sure we will all be back on the treadmill.


Bruce was funny last night at dinner. He knew it was a special day but asked me to please tell him. I realized that surprises are not good. Bruce has to deal with toiletting, fluid intake control, going into a Woman's bathroom. Control, Debbie, you idiot! Something he has been trying to get back for four years. So I told him.


Normal morning. Don't rock the boat. We hit the road at 9:30 am. About an hour drive. We choose Foxwoods because we know it. Bruce and I often discuss the changes over the past 20 years, plus it was my sponsor Casino for my Poker run.


We started with Bruce's favorite slots. These are old fashioned and eventually will be cycled out. We noticed today how few remained. I was amazed at how he transferred to the slot chairs. Even the beverage waitress mentioned it. We were lucky to find a Roulette table just opening, so Bruce could get a spot. Later a center spot on a Let it Ride table. Wonderful lunch.


This is tough on me in that pushing Bruce in the WC over carpet is tiring. Then the transferring. But Roulette is easy. Bruce plays the same five numbers every spin and the Croupier takes care of that. Let it Ride is different. He has to concentrate, look at his hand, make a decision and re-evaluate that decision two more times.


We had a blast. Bruce and I both agree it is easier with just the two of us. We are both exhausted. Bruce went to bed early and I am just waiting to medicate him, But I am so proud of him. And what amazes both of us, continually, is the help and compassion we see. People are just so wonderful. All the players at one table said to me, "go take a break, we'll help him." and Bruce was comfortable with that. I will play Roulette with him, because his numbers are set and the Dealer takes care of him, but other stuff, I just stand by and make sure he is OK. But these people had his back and to watch Bruce laugh and converse with strangers - so precious.


The one thing I do want to mention is the smoking. Bruce has been smoke free since the stroke and I only smoke in the addition or outside. Bruce's slots are in smoke free area, but just across the aisle is smoking and both areas of the table games were smoking. Bruce started to cough about a half hour in. I got a water right away, but we talked throughout the day about the coughing. It is certainly interesting that a man who smoked for 45 years could become so sensitve in four years.


So a terrific day. Both of us are totalled. And tomorrow it is business as usual, but just a reminder that a day off is terrific. Debbie


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So glad you had a good time. Good insight, too, on the surprise aspect. You are right. I guess sometimes surprises are not welcome. He needed to know. Successful day for sure! ~~Donna

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The only time Ray wants a cigarette now is in the casinos, which is the only downside of going there. Otherwise all the activity is a great way to wear yourself out. Glad to hear you had a good time, maybe overnight next time?

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Debbie, I hate surprises and I haven't had a stroke. Mine is bases on all the promises my mother made and broke. Her excuse often was that she had planned it to be a surprise and I spoilt it!


Sounds like you had a good day even if it was a tiring one with the carpet and difficulty pushing the wheelchair, I guess there were other difficulties like with bathrooms too. But you did it, you and Bruce had a day out, enjoyed yourselves and. built up some new memories. Well done.



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I know what you mean about the control thing. I forget sometimes but am quickly reminded that "you try to control me!"


Sounds like you and Brude had a wonderful day!! Even though you were tired I'm sure it was worth it. These are wonderful memories for both of you.



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Debbie, I'm happy to hear it went well in spite of all the work. You both had fun and Bruce stepped up to the plate to get ready. Now you can plan other events or "surprises" as the weather finally gets better. I'm hoping Larry will want to get out too. Here's to summer, as spring hasn't been too great yet.



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What a fun day you had, so happy for you both! Tell me, you say he was conversing with others... in aphasia talk? Or was it like Bob talks pretty good when the subject is sports!


I do know people who stopped smoking and in no time they found they couldn't breathe around smoke! I guess that is a testimony that your lungs really can heal themselves if you stop in time!

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