I Have Decided!
Well, the left eye was such a success in removing the cataract I decided to go ahead and do the right eye on the 16th of May at the VA. I can really see so much better it's astonishing to me. And if I put my glasses on they are so strong it takes my sight in the left eye away. I may not even need glasses anymore after the right eye is corrected if I continue to see this clearly when both are done. Then age is not on my side so I must do this now I'm not getting any younger each day.
If I do require glasses they will be low vision and probably no bifocal at all. I shall see. I keep my glasses in the car because I have that restriction on my driving license to drive with glasses only. I now have a card in pocket to show I have the lens in place and it shows the correction made. I never thought of ever having this done in my life so now I am eager to get the other eye done next month to see how the world looks to me then.
In the meantime I keep putting three different drops in daily on an hourly bases but skipping an hour at times. I guess that helps the lens they put in to set and be lubricated to set in place. I'm afraid to ask many questions right now it's all so new to me but as I said I really do see much better. I don't know the cost of this procedure but if you suffer from cataract as I do you may want to consider have this done to be able to see so much better and maybe not need glasses at all.
So if I can just remember my schedule for the drops going in things should turn out OK. I think I can see now why so many people use contact lens instead of regular eye glasses. I still have to ask what happens should the cataracts return if that's even possible?? For now I'm a happy camper at half done so I will know much more in the coming months about what I have done with my eyes.
Do any of you know of someone that has had this surgery done for their eyes?? Just wondering!!
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