Now that I see better I need reading glasses for smaller print
The old sayings goes "If it isn't one thing it's another" It's so soon after the operations on my eyes I should give myself another week or so before I get into a reading habit and needing the glasses to read small printing.
But I can get a pair at Wal-Mart very cheap I'm told but I will wait another week anyway. I can read my bills that comes in the mail so that's enough reading for me for now!
I'm just happy to be seeing so much better and not needing the glasses. I'm still putting the drops in from three different bottles for another week or until it runs out. Had to delay my start of PT for a few more weeks to protect my eyes from any strains that could occur. So for now I will just be resting up and waiting for warmer weather to arrive and perhaps a little rain too. My grass is starting to grow again! The bald spots are almost gone in a weeks time with the little rain we did get so far.
Otherwise life is good!!
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