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Another UTI--- and a side of self pity



Dan has another UTI ---- the port was awesome..... he has a summer cold as well , so i didnt pick up on the UTI as quick as I should have. Hind site always 20/20 .... finally got him in to the hospital - never a small challenge . good nurses, good doc. familiar with us... a sad blessing to have... we are so well known by even the rent a docs that they really do a great job cause they have the history right there..now over the weekend the family spent it at my daughters new cabin by the lake ( they just got it a week ago ) very, very nice... kinda a mini trailer home, but not a RV either... called a park vue lake home.. anyhow everyone else is out having fun and living and here i am ... I know, I know --- this is the same boat we are all in... i guess one just has that longing feeling still... and yes dan could go to the cabin... its air conditioned , spacious and a bed and TV ... but no one can make dan do what dan don't want to do..maybe the UTI was the true culprit, but most likley i will battle for every precious moment i can have with my family.... Pretty much all the neighbors will not talk to me anymore, all the winter snow birds have returned and the old lady made sure to tell everyone how horrible i am.. in true cell block style ( cell boss) and the gorilla is happy to chime in... so although everyone else says hello to everyone else, silence is what i hear.. very classy --- so desperate this country gal is to get out of this place-- to many rules a true family can not follow.. to much judgement, and i just dont have the ability to- hold it all together- ... in reality i was better off on the farm... ying and yang----and then again maybe I am the problem? i should have rid myself of the animals - the dog i held and even rocked ( all prestroke of course) when he was a puppy -- the puppy dan hand picked... who's only crime is being a farm dog... or the cats who we "rescued long ago " people love to drop animals off and "assume' someone will take them in.. and yep thats how we got our cats... life to these people is "disposable"-- put him in a nursing home--- you can "take him" ( the gorilla telling me to force my husband to park in the garage)... the lack of empathy and falseness of this dispicable place has really got to me... but i will go to bed... as tomorrow will be a better day -- ( thats what we tell our selves right?)


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Ask dan's doc if it's okay for him to take "Cystex". It's an over-the-counter med for UTI's. I have chronic UTI's and it is the only one I have found that can be taken routinely to prevent UTI's from developing. It doesn't change the color of urine, so no staining everything orange and it works great. Ask first though because of all his conditions and medications.

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Nancy, I know moving from house to house and place to place is very hard to do as I had to do in the military every few years. But perhaps you finding another condo or a place to live might be better on your nerves having Dan to care for in the long haul and not lose your mind dealing with the kinds of neighbors you got now.


I couldn't take it what they do and say to you almost daily especially where you park your car on the property. Sorry Dan is not feeling too well but you got it under control no doubt.

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Nancy, sorry to hear that Dan is fighting yet another uti. I know how you feel about not getting to spend time with family as Mike is becoming more and more withdrawn and even when we do go visit we don't stay long enough to really get quality time in with my family. 2 hours is about his tolerance level for anyone being around except me. Guess it could be worse he could have NO tolerance for them. As for you disrespectful neighbors I would have long ago told them where they could shove it as I am sure you have a couple of them ;)! Hope things get better for you soon! (((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) to you!

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Nancy: so sorry about Dan's cold and UTI. Just one more thing. There is always the loneliness, but isolation added in is worse.


I don't know how your weather is, but if possible bundle him up and get him out on the patio. Dan's recovery is the focus right now.


Honey, these issues are not going away. Your home has to be your haven, your safe place. Can you imagine Bruce without his Kira? We don't do much with neighbors, but they are always there, supportive, anxious to help out. All of that counts - even if you never have to draw on it. Neighbor left for five weeks vacation last week. Left her garage door and side garage door open. When I went over to check as I offered to do, her back door was open! "S" happens. She'll check in at some point, but can take to the bank that I have her back, as she mine.


You'll figure this out. Just no quick decisions while Dan is ailing. You are under too much stress to decide any major changes right now. Try to get Dan out on the patio for a bit, walk the puppy and get some off time yourself and then regroup. My money is always on you. Debbie

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my neibors have proven they wont close a door ( that day the dogs got the screen open ?).... oh well , i am better than this and not usually this thinned skinned.... i will and everyone remind me - try to leave judgement to god... i am WITH sin , so i need to throw down my rocks myself.... crap -- i dont want to... but i will..... love you guys....

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Was this place advertised as a handicapped condo? If so, tell them it is a handicapped condo, and guess what, a handicapped person lives there - so this is what life is like when one is handicapped. I hate that you are having a stinky time there with snooty neighbors.

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