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TGIF and Other Stuff



I never believed in that TGIF stuff and always thought it was kind of stupid when someone said it. Now, I really need the weekends. I am very drained today. It has been a LOOOONNNGGG week. The emotional highs and lows have taken a toll on me this week. I need some solitude once in a while to recharge and lately I don't get much of that. My mother used to as far as to say I was antisocial. I can never turn all the thoughts off in my head.


Lisa is as giddy as an 8 year old schoolgirl. I don't know how she does it. I think it might have something to do with the improvement she has been having. She is working like a dog and it is starting to pay off. Yesterday she started a regular diet. No puree, no mechanical soft, REGULAR food. She hates the puree. Always says "That's gross!!". I try to jazz it up be trying it or using reasoning, but she's wrong, it's not gross, it's really gross smile.gif


Our daughters BBQ went great. The rainy weather broke for her and her friends had a fantastic time. I was a little concerned that there was no adult supervision at our house, but I trust her totally. The house was standing when I got home and she even cleaned up a bit.


I am supposed to get the wife's car back from the shop today. When they took the front bumper off, they found more damage. So, the radiator and the compressor needed to be changed as well. It took an extra 2 days. It has really sucked having one car. Our son has been more than willing to pick up the deductible.


One last thing. The nursing home Lisa is in sits on a peninsula that has a canal with a lift bridge in the middle of it. The bridge is the largest lift bridge in the world and is the main tourist attraction in Duluth. This year marks is 100 year of operation. I HATE THAT DAMN BRIDGE. Everytime I go down there, the bridge is always up. And it's not to let people walk through. It's for huge iron ore ships to come into port. It can take 45 minutes for the boat to get past. There are so many tourists in that area. Most people who live here won't go down there.

*SIGH* I feel better.


Thanks, Butch

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i too have always needed complete solitude to "recharge". it's the same , or even more intense perhaps, AFTER, this stroke. i imagine it takes the same emotional toll( or worse) on caregivers. i hope you get the quiet time you need this weekend. peace, quiet, and no worries do WONDERS for the soul.


my best

kim cloud9.gif

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