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No Complaints...



This may seem like a strange entry for a site given to helping but, I have NO COMPLAINTS.


The weather is back to mostly sunny after a week of rain,

the landlord (instead of me) is cutting the grass,

I am not in need of anything,

the bills are all paid to date and I still have a few bucks in the bank,

it's hot but it's summer - that's how it's supposed to be,

the cat is happy and sassy,

my computer gremlins faded away,

I'm feeling and doing fine,

and I have friends - you.


I suppose I could complain that there is nothing on tv...but, I shut it off. Wait, the cat is up there - there's something on tv. lol


I hope you are all having as good a day. :)


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"No Complaints" A great subject for any stroke survivor and their families and the care givers too. I tell you I have really learned to not complain for how I was, how I am now or how I might be down the road on the other side of my recovery process. I'm so glad I do what I do I wear a big smile every day because I well know it could have been worse than this for my life.


I just deal with each day as they come and glad to still be alive! I have no complaints either!

Stingray, I count my many blessings too and thank the Lord I'm still here with all of you!

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Good blog.

Glad that you are enjoying the summer and your cat, I'm in the market to find a new cat lost mine in Jan and my heart is ready to give another one maybe two a new forever home

Keep up the good spirts


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Excellent--- if you are always fat and happy . How do you know your fat and happy? AKA content.... answer --- you have had hard times , and can see with clarity - life ,many times is only as hard as we make it... and while you could say - oh this glass is half empty, dog-gone it you found it is actually half full..... wisdom - you have earned it -- the hard way..nancyl

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