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Life Is Enjoyable And I'm On The Go!



Finally, things are back to normal around the house, the floors are done and my wife is happy. Now I can resume going places, doing things I like, and getting out to the senior center to use their many machines. I don't have a health care lady anymore so I'm on my own to get things done daily.


Now I can go to Walmart, the big grocery stores, eat fresh fruits and dishes they sit out for the customers to taste daily. With the high heat and little rain I think inside the big stores is the place to be to stay cool and stomach full for free. I get to meet many of the old bowlers I used to bowl with and hear about those that has passed on. I usually don't read the daily paper to see the names of people I know that has passed.


When I think back to 2004 and the stroke I survived all the old timers, men and women, were in great shape, not sickly and bowling leagues once or twice a week. Now to hear they have passed on is hard to imagine. I suppose we all have our times to go without being sickly, just by our age and longevity.


My stroke came along when I was 63 and I just had a yearly physical the doctor said I was in great shape, see you next year he said. Days later the stroke hit me real hard. I thought I was leaving here but the Lord wasn't ready for me then. Since that time I try to live one day at a time with His blessings. One thing for sure He knows right where I am day and night when He is ready to call me home to be with Him.


As I said Life is Enjoyable and I'm On The Go! I don't wonder or worry anymore about my life and I'm so over joyed I got an extended stay here a little longer to enjoy my wife and live this life the best I can. There are so many things we can't do anymore as survivors physically but mentally we are still intact and in no hurry to leave this life. Most of us got grand kids and great grand kids too. In my case two great grand daughters in Japan I haven't seen yet.


I certain hope all of us here can enjoy life daily and get better in our recovery process and all the care givers we have can get a break and do some living, going and doing, for themselves. They certainly need time off to enjoy life. I have read here where marriages break up because one partner had a stroke so I guess the marriage vows they exchanged didn't mean anything in Sickness & Health. I always think about that knowing how my wife stayed by my side for the last nine years of my recovery plus my five month stay in the hospital.


I think a lasting relationship or marriage is the key to health and recovery. I see how daughters and sons care for mom or dad plus their own kids and grand kids too. That means so much for the stroke survivor to want to live and not give up on life.


Whether you are young or older, a survivor or care giver life is still yours to enjoy and many of you have very young children at home who need to see mom and dad having a joyous time at home then they know love is in the home. They will strive to be a good child and grow up to be a responsible person. Love is the key in the home.


My wife is very, very happy I can get out, go places, and see people who wonder if I'm still alive. Some friends (so called) write you off knowing you suffered a stroke and was supposed to be your close friend. Then having a chance to go to church sit in the congregation and hear the word preached is a true blessing to me. On the other hand if you were a party person and enjoyed going to night clubs then get out and go and enjoy yourself some. It will do you good in your recovery process along with therapy.


The more therapy you get the better your chances of recovering enough to be independent in most things you do daily. I think that's how I got better fast as I have so far. Sure, I still need my scooter but I drive my car too. I'm asked all the time what happened to me? Well, most military folks figure it was the war but others look at me and can see I suffered a stroke. I thank God every time I pass by my wheel chair in the garage that I'm not having to use it any more.


My big desire is to meet Bruce, Dan, William and others where we can discuss getting better in recovery from a stroke. I feel every survivor would be better off using a scooter instead of the wheel chair. A scooter speeds up your amount of movement no matter your weak side. I want to hear their idea on scooter use. To me I just feel much better on the scooter than in a wheel chair. For one thing we got use of one hand and foot so we can't propel a wheel chair easily like we can a scooter on battery power. That relieves a care giver trying to push the chair plus loading and unloading it from the vehicle we ride in for us to get about.


Again I feel it is a more enjoyable life for survivors to "Get Out More" see and do things they are missing by staying home daily watching TV. I'm going to stop letting life pass me up and me not doing nothing productive.


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