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A Change In Seasons Comes A Change In Our Sports Too!!



Football fans get ready for the season opener in Football. Both college and the pros will be playing as usual. Last season we had many young kids in college and their parents were members here at stroke net.


It was interesting to let them know how their kids and their dollars were doing in college. Of course when they graduate and get drafted by professional teams it really means a lot for the parents to see their names in print here!


There were some on the cheer-leader rosters as well along with some that played golf in college too! Probably some of you heard about RGIII last year who is Robert Griffin the III, from Baylor college right here in Waco Texas with military parents here in the community.


With me just knowing and reading about our kids in sports lets us know our money didn't go to waste in them getting a college education for four years of their lives! We as stroke survivors and care givers alike need something to uplift our spirits at times. For me it's a great past time to follow the sports and wish I had a kid playing any sport in college.


September 8th is kick off for football to see your hometown or favorite team in action and there will be Monday night games each week too!!It should be an interesting season this year and we still got the World Series in Baseball to go as Golf comes to an end sort of when the weather is cold and snow on the ground.


I can watch nearly all sports I know how the game goes except Hockey. To me that is a bruising game! So guys and gals get the remotes sit back in your favorite chair and be entertained with some great sports and games without paying the high prices of tickets to sit in the stands. For me to be in the stadium with my scooter wouldn't work too good and I would have to miss attending church on Sundays!!


Thank God for the big screen TV's!!!! I feel better being at home watching all the games of the day and night!!

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Hi Fred, when I haded my son, his father wanted him to play quarterback for the dolplins! please, Thomas does not play any sport, and we take him when he was little and all he wanted was to eatHe played baseball, was the best dressed kid LOL. Now he is in college he goes a watch football and enjoyes it.


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