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Running around in circles chasing yourself...



AND another day of chasing myself in circles...




mebbe later there will be time to unwind and post more..


yesterday was hard, glad that is over..

not enough time to type today..

Praying this gets better... period.




caregiver to husband


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Yes it does get better, at least sometimes! Hang in there.....it's a whole new life you've been handed very suddenly, you just have to get used to it.

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thx sandy, thx stingray,


Having faith sounds easy until you have to jump for it, and expect that everything will work out.

Ready for a mountain top over here, then just the easy descent to the next valley...

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You know... I don't think I had time to have faith. There is a time in our lives when it is 'go time', and we are more like living on whatever beliefs were already established in us, or even smoldering down deep, where we had forgotten it. It's like being caught on fire. You are screaming and running and rolling on the ground... not so much thinking in your head, "I have faith that this will all turn out ok", more like 'faith is dead without works' - and you are on fire... working your failth and rolling to put out the flames. I didn't even have time for full prayers and lofty thoughts. 2 cut to the chase petitions, lifted to God, in between rolling to put the flames out, "Please help Bob, please help Bob, please help Bob" & "I can not fail, I can not fail, there's no room for me to fail".

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