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Colonoscopy Time Again



Well the time has come! I go in the hospital early am tomorrow 19 December for my second time having a colonoscopy done. In my case it's every 10 years! I was told by my barber he goes every 5 years because cancer runs in his family. The procedure is fairly simple and painless as I recall from my first time having it done 10 years ago!


After I come back home I will try to get my computer working better and not skipping letters when I touch the keys !I's about to drive me Batty! I bought a wireless keyboard and mouse that didn't help one bit on this site but it's great on other sites! That gives me something to do for a day or two. I like it so I can use my computer from my bed about 5 feet away!


I did buy a new small laptop to use when I am traveling but for now it doesn't work on this site either! Plus it has no mouse so I got to learn to use it better or return it before 30 days to Walmart I think the guy said that can be done and I get the credit back on my Walmart card!


I got leaves from my tree all over my yard so Fall time did arrive early and now winter is here but no snow yet and I hope none will fall.We got more cold days coming real soon says the weather man! I just hope my central heat system don't quit on me although it's 13 years old and will need parts real soon think!!


It took me two hours to type this much on an empty stomach and I still got to drink that Prep Liquid in a few hours and again in the morning before my procedure!


See you all much later on a full stomach with my results!!!!!!

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