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The Real Thing About New Years Eve!



I have been looking at computer news, local advertisements, and pleads for the public to not Drink and Drive on New Years Eve. Wrecker services and Taxi cabs are offering free tows, Cab rides home and about all they can offer to keep people safe this one night and they get home in one piece alive. Why do people drink and try to drive??


That's an age old question and the answer is not known to many people! Alcohol controls the brain while common sense is non existence. For that reason alone my family, kids, and I stay home and off the streets this one night and watch the New Year come in on TV across the world in many locations and lights of many colors!


We don't shoot fireworks, guns or get that far outside our door . Just before midnight in our time zone we hold hands and pray for a peaceful year together again! Everyone has their own way about New Years Eve and what they like to do safely!


All the best to the members here in the coming year 2014 and may God bless you and your family, Amen!


See you in the New Year!!!!!


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Thanks Fred, we have people here with fireworks, and some fools with guns. My husband will grill, and then with our grandkids we be watching movies.


See you in the New Year, may you and your family be blessed.



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Yes, yes, this is a time when smart people just don't think right and somehow end up doing stupid things that can cause lives to be lost!


God bless us all in this new year!

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I have to tell you all a wrecker driver was shot by one of the men he was dispatched to tow their car back to the tow lot. They both wanted to ride in the tow truck being drunk. He didn't die at the hospital yet!

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Oh Fred, another act of violence with a gun, On New years day two killing happen and they dont know why. Today, a 18year old girl was killed they think by a ex boy friend! I feel that a life is not valued. The bible said that it would get worse by every new genrations. i just pray for my family and friends.



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