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got to cold we left the state ----



dan seen the weather coming and decided it was time to leave, so we went to las vegas ( his first trip here) ---- t shirt weather for us here , but even here they say it is COLD.... hey i see the sun i am happy - dan to ..... few issues he had a seizure last night arghhh. like all seizures it presented a little different.. had ems hook him up to make sure not a heart attack - he was having so much pain.... he seized while eating, choked on the food, but came to pretty fast ( in stroke/ seizure world) and the pain of the choke caused a nueropathic episode of his chest - stomach hurting -- and then his legs, arms everything --- got him in our room laid him down ( fetal position) and gave him a pain pill and finally some relief ( after the pill kicked in) .... we leave for home tomorrow. at least the temps are above zero again in ND........... having the IV works so well... he had one exhausted day where he crashed - spent that day IVing him and he felt so much better............................ so one can move about the country as we have done, but it is labor intensive ( our son came down for most of the trip- to help ( causing a rift in his relationship with his wife) - his wife has no idea, she thinks this was just a vacation - nope this was 2 people desperate to get out if the cold ----------------- Dan has been seriously thinking of AZ again --- but last years fiasco makes me worry - and i will miss the grandson ( i miss him now ) ------- for certain we will go to Az for a bit especially if this cold crap continues .........dan gets so physically pained from it--- ache , ache, ache..... and nope didnt have any big wins-----so broke in las vegas ( lol) ----- and the son got the lesson of how people "look" at you while pushing another in a wheel chair... i see "some " in ND -- but here in las vegas with all the panhandlers you get the other look ( potential scammer look) so many sitting around looking for a handout.. some look to us for more "mercy" ( the panhandler) and some look at us like competition ( like we have a cardboard sign (lol)-- and others avoid us thinking we are looking for a handout...... wierd world ------- whats the mantra ???? It is what it is .....


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Nancy, went to vegas ? that is also on my bucket list! Please that Dan is doing better. So Vegas has lot of pan handlers? Iam sure that people think lots of jobs, good weather, easy living, but it not that easy. Good that you got out of that cold!!!!!!!!!!



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When did you all leave for there Nancy? How long were you there then? Sorry Dan had a seizure again, but looks like you have it all under control. We used to go to Vegas every September, when my favorite singer (LUIS MIGUEL) would be there.

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Well someone had the right idea! Sure beats the -40 degree wind chill. I do not like to gamble but I do like Vegas. Might have to try that next year. That's great that your son was there to help.


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we left last sunday ( 5th) and returned today the (10th )------ Sandy if you decide you want to try it -- i am willing to go again -- just as colleen and i have done.... the 'SUPPORT' of knowing you are not alone......

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I would love to find a warm place to spend the winter! Mike and I have been like hermits this winter! I can't wait for spring! Think I am going to go outside and do the happy dance all day long on the first warm day of spring!!!! LOL! Glad you two got to escape the cold for a few days, sorry Dan had a seizure. Safe travels home!

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ha, ha, we are still working on learning how to go out to eat! He has a wedding of a friend tomorrow, and he is backing down on going. I told him it isn't going to be one of those huge church weddings like young people have, we are all old and it will probably be a dozen people + family! Don't know, we'll see how we feel tomorrow. It is about 20 minutes away.

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