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St. Louis is 250 years old



It doesn't seem so long ago that the founding fathers first laid claim to a piece of land along the Mississippi River. They started with a fur trapping business. The Gateway Arch is on the same grounds now. There are exhibits and celebrations ongoing for a year. We will go to the Missouri History Museum when the weather is nicer. There is a website stl250.org in case any Missourians or history buffs are interested.


I have not been feeling well - stomach problems and had a CT scan Tuesday. It showed no diverticulitis so on to my endoscopy and colonoscopy. I was to have the colonoscopy last year but put it off due to Larry's needs. (At least that was my good excuse) lol Larry is to have a procedure for his englarged prostate but I decided I needed to take care of my health issues first. He is on a new med for this, so we will see how it works. So, we just keep going to Dr. appointments and tests. We need to get to the dentist and have an eye examination also. The weather has kept us in due to the cold and icy driveway. Yesterday we had a high of 63 which was nice after several weeks of freezing temperatures.


Our granddaughter's birthday is this weekend and she will be 7. She likes school and does very well with her school work. Our other granddaughter just turned 15 and is driving with a learner's permit. She is more into music and sings with her youth group in church. She has a good voice.


I took Larry with me to the bank, library, grocery store and car wash this morning. He stays in the car when it is warm enough. At least I got him out of the house.


So, nothing too exciting here. We have been enjoying the Olympics. The T.J. Oshi who made the winning point in the US/Russian Hockey game is one of our St. Louis Blues Players. There is not a T-Shirt to be found with his name on it around here. lol We are all proud of him as well as all the other US competitors.


Best wishes to you all,




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Julie -- make sure you make it to your appts. !!!! yes i am a pot calling the kettle black...lol.... i made my yearly appt - cant get in till april with my gal, but she and i know each other so well, that going to another ( unless something was wrong) makes me decide to wait it out.... i to, ned a eye appt.. my glasses are so old, i can not see well, but i hate the idea of adjusting to new bifocals.... took forever to get used to these... getting old BITES...LOL nancyl

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All the best to you and Larry maybe you all will be able to get out to a game this season and tailgate in the parking area. The weather there now is brutal.

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