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Small goals paying off



It hasn't been easy, or quick and the realization of each small goal didn't always bring excitement or even much notice but maybe I can finally see them coming together to bring a bigger payoff. I still have a few obstacles to work out but they no longer seem insurmountable.


I have some utterly shocking news to share with you. This has been one rough winter! See? I bet you would have never known that if I hadn't told you. ;) In a more dramatic way I can say that I'm coming out of an almost 4 year winter...but I see signs of spring.


For most of the time since my strokes, I've been frustrated, angry, lonely, felt helpless and hopelessness against obstacles that seemed unmovable and my own limitations felt like barriers to me overcoming any of it like I would have before stroke.


One of the times I'm happiest is when I'm cooking, and I love being outdoors and I love being around people. I don't have the stamina or speed or cognition for large scale cooking anymore. BUT, I'm not trying to make a living, just trying to make my life better. So I got help so I could afford to get health issues taken care of that I couldn't afford on my own. Also to get those health issues worked out, I signed on with our County Disability Transport. Bought some small pieces of equipment needed.


My goal is to set up a vendors stand at the local farmer's market 2 days a week. I'm not up to more than that right now. I would do BBQ lunches. The menu would be "fixed" and would be "grab and go" style. I could do Pit Beef sandwiches, Pulled Pork, BBQ chicken,pulled chicken, a day, on a rotating basis-- potato salad, broccoli salad and coleslaw. Only doing it two days a week would keep it as a "treat" for customers, wouldn't be so hard on me and would still give me things to do at home on other days to keep me occupied. Since the profit I'm looking for isn't monetary, I could keep prices low just to cover my expenses. The farmer's Market is on the courthouse lawn in town center where all the office workers scramble at lunch time for lunch. There is room for me to expand and add items if I feel I can or want to.


I still have a couple obstacles, as I said, to work out but they're more of a nuisance than impossible. I just want to choose my best option for a solution


I plan my first try at it the middle of May.


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Jamie :

wow looks like things are falling into place & in no time you will be up & running your own business. Being boss of your own business you can decide & change & make it work. add more items or eventually hire help once it starts growing. wish you all the success. Doing something we like to do get us out of bed & keeps person happy. So happy & proud of you



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One of the reasons I planned it the way I have is because my stamina is very low these days. I don't think I did a good job explaining how it will work. Basically, if I do pit beef sandwiches and coleslaw one day, that's the choice of the day. They either want it or they don't. Doing pit beef means it goes on the grill in the morning and I sit on my duff until it's done at lunch time and I can do the coleslaw the night before. :) Thank God for food processors to shred the cabbage and carrots! Yeah, it will be tiring at first but I hope it will build my stamina. Our town is a small town so at first I don't expect to do more than twenty meals on a good day.




your reaction is one I get a lot but truthfully I don't want to go that far. I want to avoid the stress of an obligated job and keep it simple. For that reason I don't want employees either. Not saying it will never happen but for now it's nowhere in my head. Thanks

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In my eyes and mind I can't see how any survivor can make it in life once the stroke has hit us hard without trying to smile and think of good times and things in the past. It's awful hard being a survivor or a care giver!


Our lives will be forever changed in many ways and physically too!

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I think that is a great idea! Take it slow and enjoy yourself. You deserve it! Talking about pulled pork, ribs, chicken..... hmmm now your making me want to fire up my smoker!

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Jamie, oh I did understand how it would work. I just always had a problem committing to anything, no matter how small thing, so thought it was spectacular that you even considering this. I don't know how it will turn out, but I think you are a fighter to even be working on the idea, and I'm still impressed! (the food sounds great)


I hope one day that Bob will be able to do one thing we always thought of doing in retirement - flea market table. I just don't know how I'd handle the bathroom end of that for him.

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And speaking of obstacles...bathrooms certainly aren't convenient at venues like this!

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Don't forget to have some containers so people can get left overs........................should there ever be any. With those choices tho, doesn't seem likely. Have fun.



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Jamie: this is such wonderful news. And I bet you are excited to give it a shot. Please, if possible have someone take a photo at least of your table. Wishing you great weather and a terrific turnout. Congratulations and great success. Debbie

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I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time. I know it will be tiring but there will also be plenty of "down time". A big portion of my planning has been how to pace myself throughout So that I don't defeat myself right out of the block.


I NEED the positive socialization and I need some physical activity. I'm counting on both of those happening. I'll get some photos soon.

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