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More Winter



It has been a wild couple of weeks. For me, I get a hint of Spring and I am on the go! Fresh air, sunshine and yes fans, warmth - finally. Well except of course for today. LOL


Bruce's birthday celebration continues and this has been so much fun for us. We had surprise visits from friends we talk to occasionally, but have not seen in years. We have known Bob from Florida for over 20 years. Bruce used to help his Dad every weekend with finances after Bob's Mom passed. And Linford, a work colleague; now retired.


I think I told all of you I found a Christmas card Bruce did for his parents in 2nd grade, with his class pix. Bruce's Mom had it in her jewelry box, so no light faded it. I sent it to Bruce's New Mexico friend, artist. Steve framed it for us and that arrived just this past Monday. Cards continue to come. A phone call from his dearest friend - like a sister and her brother - but days apart, so Bruce was able to enjoy both of those.


Kira continues to improve. I say this as she wobbles off to bed with Bruce, LOL. But she is so much steadier. I may be able to take down the barriers to the steps tomorrow.


I was working around the rain forecasts to get the chemicals down on the lawn and so far, that has worked out well. Just the Insect control to go. And just to let you know, the 30 year old spreader that I fixed is working just fine! Two single women friends came over and asked me what I was doing. Next thing I know, they are out doing the same. One neighbor has a dog and I did mention to her that if she put her stuff down now, with the heavy rain overnight, her dog would be able to to go outside the next day. Then we all enjoyed a beer - fun day. It is so nice to connect with neighbors, see how they are doing, how things are going.


Bruce and I got out every day. We did the first Car Show of the season last Sunday - perfect day. I have not yet figured out the camera on my phone. But we saw a Laguna. Apparently these are rare - only 17 made. I wish I had the pix of it to send to Colleen and Ray because I bet Ray, like Bruce, knew of the model but had not seen one up close and personal.


Tuesday, this week, was to be a long rain storm. I worked for days to get the day off. And it certainly paid off. The skies opened up just as I was crossing the parking lot to work. I was soaked all morning. But got home, gave Bruce lunch then it was Debbie time: hot shower, warm pjs, cup of tea and a great book. I had told Bruce this was going to happen and what a wonderful afternoon. But that rain storm turned ugly overnight. A good inch of frozen rain this morning. It was treacherous just going out to get the newspaper. Sunny, but cold and windy all day and the cold is to continue now through the weekend. The Winter that just won't end! I had projects for indoors today and we will get out for errands tomorrow.


Our Easter weekend won't be much. I am hoping to get us to services on Good Friday. Brittany and Izabella will stop over the weekend. Bruce asked for a Rib Roast for Easter dinner.


Happy Easter to all. Debbie


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Well done with the lawn chemicals, I have yet to try something like that. And love the neighbours coming in for a beer - now that IS a real sign of Spring.


Our autumn seems to have deteriorated into one day of sunshine followed by two days of drizzly rain. I feel sorry for those who have gone away especially to see the leaves changing colour as locally there are soggy piles of leaves and no colour changes. And the eucalypts are losing leaves too so lots of raking to do here.


Keep on getting out there with Bruce as much as you can, provides stimulation for the survivor and for a caregiver a change is as good as a holiday. (Well maybe not but that is the way the saying goes...lol.)

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Debbie, we hope to travel this year if my health holds up and come up the East coast hopefully getting to your town and the univer. of Conn. I promised he a big vacation when I got better. She just said this morning she booked a flight to Vegas in August so I don't really know what follows!!!! "She got the funds." I'm retired!!

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Sunny and warm here. Too bad we can't enjoy it more until Larry recovers.


Sending warm weather and Easter bunnies your way.



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Debbie, Happy Late Birthday to Bruce, and hope your Easter went well. Every time I heard the weather out West, I think it is not bad to be in Florida! Our Easter weather was no sunshine, but no rain. I ate no Easter eggs, but enjoy watching the kids enjoying them selfs.



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