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Nutrition., Exercise and keeping healthy



blog-0410496001400687888.jpghi all


I have to admit that although I've done exercise classes for years my heart was never fully in it until I had a stroke.


I hate to admit this,. but I was consuming way too much red wine and like everyone in denial. assumed all the dog walking I do was enough to reverse that over indulgence.


Since last October I am 42llbs lighter and have a good level of energy for a stroke survivor- its not that brilliant but I try to manage my energy by pacing myself,. and these days drinking is a rarity.

I started swimming and now,. after originally doing 1 session a week,. am swimming 1/4 mile every week. I do spinning classes and a class focussed on "bums,.tums and thighs."


I am quite surprised,. but starting in a small way and building slowly has paid dividends.




I took advice and eat pretty much the same as before, but smaller portions.,


This weekend I am attempting a Juice detox for three days. I believe this will cleanse my colon., and also release more energy as it eliminates toxins from the system.


My efforts are still piecemeal I make my own Banana and peanut butter smoothies (pure protein and nutrition),. try to eat salad with every evening meal,.and moreover try not to be a complete bore over the nutrition thing.


I will blog the juice detox- and hope to be a fresh faced,. glowing stick insect by Tuesday!


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Rose, welcome to the blogging community and thank you for telling us a little about yourself. I am sure we will enjoy getting to know you. We are a very supportive community and will help you in any way we can.


I would just like to give three hearty cheers for you ,your progress, your attitude and the new you you are trying to create...well done you.



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