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4 months on, early days- progress report

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Fatigue- living at a new pace

Thankfully I stay awake all day-but not much makes me tired these days.   I was at church last week and felt God saying to me that I'd "changed gear"   As a driver those words helped me understand-to navigate through life right now I must move in a different, and slower gear. It takes more "fuel" and I should bear that in mind too, but I need this gear because the journey now is uphill.   If that helps anyone managing their energy levels- Fab!




One of my biggest personal losses as a result of stroke was handwriting- ok we use computers and phones most of the time but cards, lists, diary I still prefer to write.   I cannot confess to being as committed to practising my writing as I have been about general fitness, but suddenly, with no warning, it's improved exponentially.   If anyone knows the "why" I am intrigued! its not quite how it was but its much improved.



almost a year-feeling odd

Well it's almost a one year anniversary (17 October) since my stroke. I've been thinking about that pretty much for the last few weeks, how a day started fine and ended with me in hospital unable to move my left side.   I've found comments on here very helpful- you see I look and sound pretty much ok now but I cannot write very well, my left hand still needs work, to infuse any energy at all I have to buy an iron tonic- that perks me up!   I do exercise religiously- tonight is the spinning c




This morning I went for a swim.,   My attitude has had to shift with regard to exercise as I try,. but am slower than before,. I have started to go to the disabled session and its delightful!   What a friendly bunch of people- no-one is competing to swim faster and no-one complains about you slowing them down- its precious!   I just did half an hour- slowly building my stamina to greater things!   For me its an achievement- I feel brighter,. and more positive about life after exercise.



Nutrition., Exercise and keeping healthy

hi all   I have to admit that although I've done exercise classes for years my heart was never fully in it until I had a stroke.   I hate to admit this,. but I was consuming way too much red wine and like everyone in denial. assumed all the dog walking I do was enough to reverse that over indulgence.   Since last October I am 42llbs lighter and have a good level of energy for a stroke survivor- its not that brilliant but I try to manage my energy by pacing myself,. and these days drinking

