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Doing A Little Traveling



Well, I decided to get out the house almost daily and I'm doing a little traveling to nearby cities. I got the little dog with me and lots of food for her. It's all on a small scale mile wise and it's giving me a chance to see how my old 2003 Ford Explorer is holding up after 10 years on the road with 190,000 plus miles on it already!!


I thought about going in debt to buy myself another new car but now that idea is slowly fading from my mind every day. This car will probably go for another five years for sure and probably twice that time I'm predicting!! When I was young they said FORD was Found On the Road Dead!!! But for ten years now it has taken me everywhere I ever needed to go and back. I'm already convinced I'm keeping it until it just will not go another mile with gas in the tank.


I'm not driving far one way and mostly just looking at small little towns close to my town and checking the stuff for sale along the roadways and old shops. You never know what you might find that's worth a few dollars that you pay very little to buy it. My say I'm crazy driving around but I never did this sort of thing until now. What made me think about it was a man walking from state to state pushing a stroller type buggy on wheels carrying his belongings I guess.


I found a lot of old things I feel is worth money but need cleaning up at flee markets set up at old closed gas stations. I look for old military items nobody knows what it is and they just about give it to me free sometimes!! I picked up a couple pictures with the frames which was somebody's grand parents they never met because they died when they were very young. There was old dollars hidden in one of them and the other one was a gold frame made many years ago. No one ever paid much attention to it thinking it was rusted and ruined!! It just needed cleaning with polish!! I even got a brown Garrett snuff bottle that was used to hold a door open filled with old coins and gravel to make it heavy. Nobody ever noticed the coins inside!!


I look for old chairs too that was used to hide money in long ago. I just may run upon some of my kin people's pictures they had many years ago but moved away and no body wanted it!! Old people used to hide money and things then forget where they put it!! My father was good at that and we found money in places he hid all over the house before he died in 1955. We found bottles of gin he had hidden and forgot where he hid it around the house!!


This gives me a chance to do a little walking with my cane too and I got my scooter too so when the little dog get tired of walking she can hop on and ride around.then right to sleep in the car on the way back home for the day. She doesn't let me out of her sight and I keep her on the leash when we are looking at things at the markets. Well, it had been awhile since I last blogged so I was over due for another one but just being gone daily and lazy too!!!!


I thought I would have been a big lottery winner by now but it wasn't my time I guess so this Saturday will be my last day to buy a ticket for the games I love playing. I guess everybody can't win although I won twice long time ago now for a little over 600 each time!!! I'm not that lucky but blessed I survived the stroke!!!


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have a great time checking out the treasures; just be careful .hope you have a cell phone with you. it sounds very adventurous.blessings lynn

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That is great you are out an about some. Hope your adventures will continue to around the next corner an down that next street along with what is in that building. Good travels !

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Fred, sounds like fun, all those small shops with the treasures. I have a friend who is into antiques and when she comes to stay once a year we do a lot of that kind of looking around. And yes, we do find the occasional good buy and add it to her collection. Keep on going on with things that keep you interested and engaged in life.

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I love reading your blog posts! Very interesting! Before my stroke, I sold and had a store on eBay for the last 10 years and loved it! I used to go flea markets, mostly for myself. On eBay I mostly shopped at Goodwill for boutique and name brand women's clothing, I loved it! I could shop standing in one store for 3 hours.


Sounds like you are having a lot of fun, finding some bargains and I am sure your dog is loving it! I have an 8 year old jack russell who thinks every time our van goes some place, she should be in it! Keep enjoying your self, but be careful. Hope you find many more treasures!

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FRED you are always so upbeat, so happy for you.. you are doing your own thing and having fun doing it !!

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Fred :


thats so great I think as long as we keep o doing what we love & enjoy we can go on enjoying life. have fun shopping.



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Fred: what a wonderful idea! I am so glad you are doing that and finding treasures as well. I agree with Lynn about the cell phone and I know you said you had food for the little puppy. But you also need a snack and water for Fred! I really want to be able to get back to that with Bruce once I am done with working. Enoy! Be careful and yes, please do share your special "finds". Debbie

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