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16 Years Married TODAY!!!! 9 June 2014



I'm in the happiest and longest marriage of my adult life and today marks 16 years being with a lady I feel was God sent to be in my life forever more!! Considering my first three (3) marriages I can't help but feel this one was approved by God because I would have not gotten it right on my own!! So I'm celebrating 54 years total married life and this one makes the cake taste soooo sweet!!


Looking back I remember marrying my high school sweetheart in 1960 and producing two kids four and six years later after tours in Germany twice and thinking I was "All That" doing those years!! Nevertheless the marriage lasted 12 years, the second one just 6 years, and the third one 13 years and nearly cost me my life!! She came to where I was living and pulled the trigger but I survived by the Grace Of God!!! So you can see or imagine why I treasure these 16 years being married for the fourth time with no storms or hurricanes to upset the home and our lives together!!!


It was a coincidence that my first wife died in 1998 and I married my present wife that same year!! My daughter from that marriage, my first child, born in Munich Germany is now serving time in the Texas prison system. She was given 5 years but could have gotten much more for her crime had it not been for my plea to the Judge in her case!!! My son has retired from the military, married for the second time and residing somewhere in Virginia to my knowledge!!!


You can see why I cherish these last 16 years with my wife and figure she was God sent, delivered by the devil that drove the car, whom she thought she was suppose to remain with but that was God insuring she got to me!! We have been faithful members in our church all this time too and she is in the choir and on the praise dance team with the senior ladies which includes the pastor's wife!!! They perform about twice a month and when our church is invited to other churches that church request they perform!!!!


I discovered early on with us getting to really know each other that she was a minister while raising her two kids, nephews, and nieces in New Orleans!!! Many times men and people in general look at me and ask if I'm a preacher!!! I guess I have that look and it never crossed my mind plus you have to be called by God to minister. Of course some just go but should wait until they are called in the Baptist churches to my knowledge...


When this stroke came calling my name in 2004 while home alone, I was glad I had my wife in my life and it so happened she was on a dental appointment that day or I would not have survived the brain bleed I had!!! I have so much to be thankful about in my life these days and being married for 16 years is just the beginning and continuing our church membership is the other!!!! I really feel we are blessed by God in our lives and we can continue to be a happy couple in Love and Marriage.......


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Happy Anniversary Fred. Larry and I have our the 12th of this month.


Best wishes to you and your wife,



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avery happy anniversary to you and to your wife fred and may you have lots of anniversary to share with your wife all the best to you fred

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Fred :


Happy Anniversary, I am glad finally you were able to find your soulmate who makes you happy to be alive even with disability.



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Happy Anniversary! Glad you feel that 4 times is a charm and you both are so happy! I am baptist and we believe you have to be called to preach. Do something special to celebrate and have fun!

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Happy anniversary Fred and to your wonderful wife. What a blessing that you are both in church each Sunday. We used to have a saying: "the family that prays together, stays together." I wish more families knew that blessing.

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Hello, hello, I just want to personally thank each one of you for your Happy Anniversary wishes for me and my wife of 16 years!!! Both our names are on all our bank accounts but yesterday we discovered we need a verified name, friend, or a responsible relative, of age to sign a Pay On Death ( POD) certificate in the event of our death so that an Estate attorney won't be needed upon one of us dying!!


Thought I would add that comment here since many of us survivors and care givers alike are seniors with bank accounts!! In many cases our kids are grown and gone away from us and have no idea what money we may have in any bank when they are told in the event of our deaths!!!!


We have accomplished so much in a short period of time (16) years as a loving couple!!! We celebrated our Anniversary together with paying off the Monthly Mortgage for the first time ever in both our lives or marriages in the past!!!!!!!..... God is Good All The Time.....

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