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drawing a line…..



as always our household is busy. I have a doc appt on monday to see about my issues -- surgery coming i am sure …i just can't shoe the tired -ness and yes i work now after a few years of not working but dan makes me pay in blood for that ( sorta literally) so updates --- god i am sick of my life the drama , the never knowing the plain out BS …. we will start with drawing the line - i am exhausted dan insisted i go with to church although our son also went ( 2 weeks ago i had to leave for 20 min and nap in the van - a lady kept a eye on him so i could do that - i had worked with her at the jail and got this bad headache boom and had to lay down) now today he forces me to go with - i didn't mind that much , but i just want some time ALONE - NO RESPONSIBILITY !!! so i go to church out to eat then to apple bees have my one drink and it almost knocked me out.. so i go home and dan tried to force me to go out to play cards with him… i was in my pajamas and said nope , and he gave me that "look" and said fine and turned to go back to the bedroom and i said nope - go to bed then but i am tired , i am sick and i don't want to go . my son said lets go dad, and dad decided after a moment to go, relief….. but boy the pure hate look i got -- i had just vacuumed the house, changed his attend twice , wiped up his bottom from BM , changed bedding , been to church, been to supper, picked up grandkids toys and what nots from the yard, swept the patio and i get the - you lazy bitch look from him….. OK now back up last week i had lab work done - my hbglb was 12 but the phlebotomist said from the draw and the look - no way was that a true 12 , than the ultrasound appt. -- the i bugged the ceo at the hospital about why my letter ref. dans speech therapist was not ever addressed- made him a little uncomfortable - but hey i want the best possible care for dan or at least a explanation from the horses mouth…. --- now a appt scheduled to see a surgeon on monday … and last week i don't even know i got it written dan had a six day food strike -- even ketones in his urine so dark i thought UTI - nope just himself starving himself…. then to the fair, which was fun , but in all honesty i wanted to just lay on a picnic bench and sleep …. visited with a old co worker i hadn't seen in years and got so tired just talking i thought i would faint…. got back to dan ( april had been watching him at the fair for the few minute break i got ) took him home - but at least he wasent food striking…. then yesterday morning / and the previous nite he got a toothache so bad i had to take him into the ER --- even his own request for a morphine shot … we had to kill the pain - to kill the pain… and only diabetics and stroke / nuero sufferers understand that… luckily the docs and nurses know us well and we got in and out .. as my sis from CO was up and and my brother and sis from 75 miles away all got together here at our house…. but i was trying to keep dan at peace ///// so we missed the parades - and all the small ND town 4th events ---- which is actually ok - tired as i am it was a good excuse i guess. but now dans tooth feels better - for a few days anyhow , i have already left a message on our dentists line saying -HELP -- need a asap appt for DAN… so now i am taking the few moments to jot down my life which just never ends… and oh crap forgot ---- Dans brothers wife ( from NC) died last thursday - and Dans sister from MN- kid got into a ATV accident ( hate those things) broke his wrist and got a concussion…. so bad news coming from his family---- STOP - LIFE - STOP … and my little man weston has a earache , and my granddaughter lily is just plain out a HIGH ENERGY CHILD --- they want to be here to "help me " and they do try but in reality - it makes me more tired…. so if i have surgery i will be screwed either way - i need the help but - i don't need the help --- so boring my life is not - never has been for very long…… i am gonna have medical bills coming out my you know what for all my issues with this obama care crap insurance i got… so like sarah and i think about her post a lot just laying there and crying -- that is me… -- dan says he don't care - sorry but i just don't care is his reply .. no empathy -- never show him a OWIE he will just poke it --- ok i am done for now… nancyl


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Nancy, I had an expression for Ray's neglect, his disregard for me and any pain I was in. I used to say:"It's the dementia talking." Now i know Dan does not have dementia but he does have brain damage so it is the brain damage talking. The same for the hate looks, it is not Dan, the lovely man you married, it is the brain damage. So let it go, smile brightly, move on, nothing else you can do. I got too hurt just feeling hurt so acceptance was the way out. Accept, smile, move on. Just my two cents worth. But BIG (((hugs))) for you as you struggle with all of this.



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Oh Nancy, I am tired just after reading this, I can't even imagine. Are you going to get to stay overnight at the hospital? Maybe you can pretend you're at a 5 star resort on vacation, bring some fun stuff with you......doesn't take much to make us happy, does it?.

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i am gonna ask for a overnight stay - and since i always bottom out with my B/P i will most likely have to anyhow…. and i want dan to see me there -- only because he might be able to retain the thought i can't help him , he needs to do better… - i don't know --- Mrs ND said she will come and be with me in the hospital since family will need to be with dan ---- but we will see what tomorrow brings --- today i do feel better -- i just had to vent --- i am truly grateful for the things i do have - it can always get worse - it has and it does… today i lit a fire under the family and sent everyone in all directions to complete their duties ;;; lol ---- except dan who is sleeping since he had his big card nite with his son, later it is shower day - always a good time happening there lol..

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So sorry Nancy. I hope you get that time alone and start to feeling well. I will be praying for you. The situation with Dan is just so unbearable.


Take care,



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Nancy :


you will be in my prayers. I am glad I am survivor & not a caregiver. all the caregivers blogs on this site opens up my eyes & make me realize what I can do to make my spouse's life easier if I want him around for long time. thanks for writing sweat, blood & all that goes in taking care of someone. & how difficult it is to take care of when some one is so non thankful.



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I echo Asha - in my thoughts and prayers, always. And Nancy I don't think it was "you lazy bitch." Somehow really it was more of a pout or temper tantrum. Trust me, there is no consideration of you in that at all. I find it is always about him (meaning Bruce). And in that regard, Sue is right. You have to smile and move on.


If you are really not up to going, don't go! What is he going to do? Just like with the card playing, he will either go with whoever offered to take him or not. Another hunger strike? that doesn't bother you at all - you have handled that time and again. And it is not like you do this every day - once a month maybe? It is OK to say no every once in a while.


Good luck tomorrow and do let us know and also Dan's tooth issue. Rest - Debbie

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shower day happened but so did a mood-- he had to go to the bathroom #2 but his compulsion to clean the sink got in the way - so fresh from the shower he stood and pooped on the floor ( he had no underwear or attends on ) so all over the socks, brace , shoes, floor urghhhh.. so i am trying to clean it up and not for one moment did he stop his cleaning - he was mad about all of it and didn't know what else to do i suppose but geez. i was hoping he wouldn't have a blow out while i was bent over behind him cleaning up the floor and the shoes ect. -- luckily he did not…i sent the kids and their kids out to the lake cabin ( aprils our daughters cabin - certainly not ours-lol--) and told them to spend the night i have tomorrow off and just want a whole lot of NOTHING…… i found a wine called middle sister - since i am a middle sister i think i am gonna give it a try tonight - to bad caregivers mostly get to drink alone -- another thing to celebrate …. grrrrrr and asha what you wrote was beautiful , and i never feel better than when a person who is being caregived for by a spouse- acknowledges my / our heartaches ….. we all will hang in there - we have no options ( at least no good ones) ….

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Nancy you are having a really rough time, I hope today things improve and you can enjoy your day off, instead of wishing you were at the office instead. And sorry to hear about the wine too ;-)

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It's important to draw the line and I'm glad you have. He may freak out because your line may interrupt his comfort zone but your health is crucial, both to you AND him. Stay healthy and happy. It's not all about the survivor. It's about the whole family

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Nancy, Debbie has given you good advice. Dan may not know how rude he is being to you and that is also why you have to stand up to him. He may start to understand then, but if he doesn't, then just walk away. If he is overly demanding again and you give in, he wins and you are ruining your health over it.




I wish you well as I do Dan and I hope things start to get better.



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the dentist didn't find much wrong -- sensitivity he figures sprayed down his teeth with a solution to help with sensitiveness … so with that nerve apian and receptors all jumbled up who knows ------ arghhh in bed now napping and now i go to my appt…we shall see...

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Nancy, I am praying that the surgery goes well on the 15th, get you some rest though in the hoptial they like waking you up at 5am to take tests! Like Sue said, Dan has brain damage and you need to smile and move on. You are a great caregiver, and I don't know how you carefivers do it. But saying "NO" is okay try it sometime it will do you goood LOL. Also please that Dan teeth is doing better. Now focus on you Nancy, you need to get some "me" time,You and Dan are in my prayers


God bless Yvonne

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