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blood everywhere



So Dan had another - "sad" day in terms of mood - cried a lot. kept saying just one more… I think he means one more day of being normal ( I don't know) lately his communication has been less than stellar . But I had to work till noon and Blain and Beth had charge of him - it was also IV hydration day. He always has to stay in bed for this - the worry of a fall with the IV port in is to much - if the port where to get torn and or of course the fall risk as always …… But Beth and Blain are with him and here him snapping his fingers.. He had played with the connection and blood was everywhere.. the kids panic ( who wouldn't) one calls me the other calls home health - i am like call 911 if the is that much blood , but the home health nurse was right in the area and came over immediately and checked it out - apparently what ever dan managed to do made the port reverse the hydration process - so he was pumping out ( like siphoning) instead of have liquid put in.- but the nurse old pro got it all under control. Meanwhile i left work as soon as i could. I didn't even tell the boss why, as i feel i over share my life already in terms of how much does this poor guy want to hear…. I was late the other morning due to a SH-t show as i called it … we had BM in the bed everywhere…. I am so enjoying working but just having everything in place for dan "just right" alone is exhausting…. and I do have surgery on Tuesday - the doc said shouldn't be a big deal -- so i hope not …. we shall see. life would be so much better at a hemoglobin of 10,11, or 12 than a 7,8, or 9 ….


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sorry Nancy, sounds like it hit the fan again at your house........I don't know how you handle trying to work and taking care of Dan. I know I couldn't have even thought of doing that as much as I would have liked to have some kind of normalcy in my life. Hope things improve after your surgery and Dan will be in good hands while you recover.

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I have been thinking of you and your surgery, hopefully it will be some kind of turning point for all this bad stuff lately. Or at least you'll get your strength back enough to deal with it all.

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Nancy: in all fairness to Dan, this can happen with positioning. If Dan's port becomes higher than the pump or the IV bag, back flow happens. Can't fool gravity! LOL. He may have only raised the head of his bed. When he saw the blood in the tubing, he may have panicked.


But so sorry for Blaine and Beth - must have been so scary. The good news is the Nurse was able to explain to them why this happened so there won't be a next time.


Hope your weekend is going well and things getting set up for your surgery and support for you next week.


I echo Colleen - hopefully this will be a turning point. But yes, if you can get your blood levels up and keep an even level, things may improve.


Keep us posted honey. And always in my prayers. Debbie

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another situation nancy in a sequence. I really can't imagine how you do it. you are a very strong person and hopefully this surgery will help you a lot. you and dan are in my thoughts.



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I would never have the imagination to make this stuff up - truth really is stranger than fiction in my world…. lol…..

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I feel for you. I know how hard it is to get ready to work. Wm always wants something done before I leave the house. It is hard. Just take a deep breath and go on. It is one day at a time.



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Nancy, you got it fixed and that is the main thing. None of this is going to get easier. I don't think you will ever get a handle on the situation as Dan seems to come up with new variations, just living with it will be your new normal.

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yah …. why can't we be the "normal" stroke family -- we recently had a visit from a lady well versed in brain injuries - and even she thinks we are "pretty far out there " here i though we were normal…I wish...

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Nancy, any thing going into a vein will reverse and dump everything OUT if it gets the end pulled out. Now that he KNOWS that, it could be his new trick. Going to have to put him under watch while he is hydrating. I know you don't need this, I'm sure you are way beyond burned out by his constant shenanigans. I know I'm having so many things that keep going wrong, I feel insane, but at least Bob isn't trying to drive me crazy. I reallly feel for you and all he is putting you thru. Sending prayers and hugs for your surgery to help you feel better, and for every 'normal' day also.

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Nancy so sorry this happened to you as you need to stay strong for your surgery. I know you will have all your ducks in a row for tomorrow and Dan. I hope you rest afterwards and heal.


My prayers go out that the surgery will go well and you will make a good recovery.



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